Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yesterday's 8

My goodness, did that 8 miles feel good! I think I would have kept going if it weren't raining and dark (and Travis had already called me with a "you're still running??"). I was even under a 9 minute mile pace! To me, this is awesome. Now it makes me think that a half marathon would not be as bad as I imagine it in my head. :)

Today's run = not so great. I felt like my entire upper body was hit with a Mack truck and the wind was knocked out of me. Perhaps the 8 miler was the culprit? Either way, I only went a little over 2 miles and actually walked some of it (which I hate to do). However, I made up for it with an intense lifting session with Travis and Jeff. Bench, deadlifts, powerlifts, punching bag. Oh boy, I feel like even typing is work right now!

Talked to my Uncle Doug about the Cape Cod trip Trav and I are taking at the end of next month. It would be cool to run a race with Doug while we're over there, but there's nothing scheduled. Bummah! He said he'd run with me at 5:30am, so we'll see how that goes! 2:30am Seattle time??? Say what?! It should be a fun trip.



  1. Congrats! 9 min miles is awesome!!! Speedy girl! I don't know how you run in the rain... hate it!

  2. I hate to walk, too. Good job on the 8!

  3. I ended up not going on a run early this morning because it was super foggy out. Not ideal for road running around here! But I did go for a run this afternoon and the trail kicked my butt. :(

  4. nice job on the 8-miler! i wouldn't be surprised if you were feeling a little tired the next day because of it. at least you got out for some more miles!


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