Thursday, August 27, 2009

Seattle Half Marathon...yes?

Should I? $75? November? I want to. And I would love to sign up now...but I don't get paid until next week and the mortgage is due.



  1. Yes! I can't enter till next paycheck either. I don't think a November race will fill up, though. Hopefully, it'll be OK. It's so pricey.

  2. I've never done a marathon or anything amount to it, but I'm thinking of setting a fitness goal for myself to complete a 5K. Currently, I'm doing run/walk for 30 seconds each time (I did 4 sets of that within 25 minutes)... but we'll see how future runs go.

  3. Kerrie--the race will totally be worth it!

    avuee--I think you can do a 5K for sure! It's a great goal to have, as my friend Liz is completing a Couch to 5K program and she's doing amazing on it! Everyone has to start somewhere...and you're on your way. :) Keep it up!

  4. ahh i hope you can sign up! i don't know how fast that one fills up/if it does but hopefully you can get in before a price jump!


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