Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 2 of "Hell Week"

It’s crunch time for moving out of our bigger house and into the small, urban rental house in Seattle. Travis and I have already painted the rooms in the rental, and now we are going to bug bomb the crap outta the place tonight. The house has FLEAS! It sucks! Poor Trav had over 50 bites on his legs after we were done painting last night. :( THEN, the carpet goes in and we MOVE all our stuff 35 miles north on Saturday.

The reason this is Hell Week is that Goober is now enrolled in daycare *sniff* near our new house. So all week Trav has to drive me to work, drop Goob off and then backtrack to Downtown Seattle for work. Then after work he picks me up, we pick Goob up and then paint/clean the new house for a bit and then make the trek back down south to the big house. These past couple of days we’ve been getting home really late, around 10pm, and poor Goob is just exhausted.

But hey, this isn’t a lifestyle blog is it? No, it’s a running blog that has life thrown in it every so often. So apologies if you are looking for recaps, as I’ve (undoubtedly) been busy. I have most of my Relay recaps ready, but all the pics are on my iMac…and I haven’t been home to use it (I’m typing on my work computer…shhhhhhh!). The dilemma.

Anywho, last week was amazing with the OnlineShoes.com and Brooks Running Girls’ Night Out on Friday, the Another Mother Runner Party last Thursday and OF COURSE, the Seattle Rock n Roll Half on Saturday…so much to write about! So little time (at the moment).

Lesley, Tiffany, Harmony, Tressa, Kerrie, Mel, Stacie, me, Jamie, Jamie's friend, Jill and Tricia
OH, and Jesse on the ground.  Prior to the start.

More later…

Monday, June 18, 2012

2 Weeks and Counting

Still no running. :( 

I’ve been doing light upper body weights and some hip abductor strength exercises to help keep my knees supported, but there hasn’t been a run in my book since the Rainier to Ruston Relay.  And with the Seattle Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon less than a week away, I’m a bit worried. 

Should I run?

Should I just walk it?

Should I DNS?

My LovesOf course I want to participate because there are a ton of people I know from the blogging/running world that are coming to town for this fun race.  And goodness knows that if I don’t end up racing, that I’ll most likely be losing my voice cheering for my fellow runners. 

The dilemma!  In the meantime I’m still icing, compressing and resting the hell outta my knee.  ERGH.

Oh, and Happy Father’s Day to all those amazing Daddies out there!  You know who you are!  Including Travis…thank you for being a fabulous father to our beautiful Goober. ;)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Job, No Running

What’s happening, my peeps?  As I near the end of my first week of work since Goober, I’m happy to report that it’s going well and I truly am excited to be part of this amazing team of people.  Perhaps one day I will tell you where I work, as I’m proud to say that I work there…but we’ll talk about that another time.

Here's me flying by the Tacoma Glass Museum on my 3rd—and last—leg of the R2R relay.  Notice how my left knee is taped?  Oh yeah, and I’m also flying, too. ;)

As far as National Running Day yesterday goes, unfortunately my little knee injury from the Rainier to Ruston Relay last Saturday has got me sidelined for the time being (race recap to come soon, I hope. At least it’s in progress!).  Instead of hitting the streets or the treadmill, I R.I.C.E.’d the heck out of my knee.  Healhealheal!

I swear I would’ve run though! 

I’m currently working on my Mt. Si Relay and R2R Relay recaps.  They are nearly complete, and the Mt. Si one is oh-so-very-late.  GAH! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Testing Windows Live Writer

Good morning!  Just testing out the coffee shop internet and this new program (for me).  I’m sure it’ll work. 


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