Monday, January 31, 2011

The 9 Miler

Nine is my lucky number, so when Kerrie asked if I wanted to join her for a long run on Sunday, I accepted.  Since we are both running the same marathon, I figured my mileage should be up where hers is right about now.  My butt needed to be kicked into gear.

We met at the Soos Creek trail and were going to follow her "run 5, walk 1" Jeff Galloway plan.  Fine by me!  I just wanted to get through it without collapsing or worse.  The weather was cooperating with some sun breaks, but it was a lot colder than we anticipated.  But of course I wore my short sleeved top and capris.  We were lucky and there were a ton of people walking, strolling, biking and running the trail.  It kept the miles interesting.

Some highlights/lowlights:
Creepy mini whirlpool in the marsh next to the trail.  Remember how I said it looked like the Lord of the Rings' marsh back on my run with Mel?  Oh yeah.  Bet there was a dead body of a medieval soldier nearby...

Sadly, a person had died on the trail last September from a heart attack.  This little memorial was set up next to the path.  Apparently other trail-goers tried to save him. :(

Did a little exploring of a bunch of trash someone dumped.  Kerrie and I thought that maybe someone was sleeping in those sleeping bags...but I wanted to check the "treadmill."  It had a rolling belt and everything, but it was hard to tell if it was or not. Strange.

Here's the dilapidated old barn that is being taken over by blackberry bushes.  It's really hidden in the middle of the picture.  Spooky!  It's haunted for sure.  I totally want to check it out.

The burnt house.  So sad.  It's been like this for over a year.  Houses lost to fire really make me sad, especially if they are just sitting there abandoned.  It is just a reminder of the hurt it caused someone or some family. :(

We made it!  Even though halfway through the run I couldn't open my Sport Beans hands were semi frozen and 100% numb.  Kerrie thought I was joking, until she saw my desperation and "extreme hunger."  Then she decided to help me.  Hee hee. 
Tired and sweaty after the run
We totally didn't want to just WALK up "Hell-Yes Hill," so we dominated that thing like it was the unwanted flu!  Hell YES!  Kerrie even beat me to the top!  She's a total rockstar!


  1. I forgot to put the memorial in my recap. What a dummus.

    Thanks again for running with me!

  2. This makes me want to go out and attempt another long run! :) My last one was supposed to be 8 miles but some construction rerouted me and I only ended up going 7.3, limped most of the last one due to some knee issues. I'll have to bring along my camera and find a new fun and interesting route, I bet that made it seem to go much faster for you!

  3. That burnt house has been like that for over 10 years!


Thanks for visiting! You're a rockstar!


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