Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mush is a Funny Word

My mind is mush today.  I've been battling a weird headache, and I think it's because I drove A LOT this afternoon.  Instead of a run, I helped out my big sister with some stuff for eBay.  I got to wear some funky/weird/crazy outfits!  It was pretty interesting.  My sister is really amazing at putting outfits together and styling...I think she would be an awesome personal stylist. ;)

So anyway, I took a rest day.  Well, my right foot didn't get any rest. 

Yesterday, however, was a different story.  It included a faster 10 miler with Mel in the AM...
This time around we were going for a little speed--say, sub 9:00 pace.  Oh brother!  We both felt sluggish during the first couple of miles, but slowly got our groove. The weather was completely cooperating with us and decided to be overcast, but not shed a drop of rain.  There was the usual array of animals, including the same bald eagle from two weeks ago (I think we should give him a name).  See him up in that tree?  Mel spotted him in the beginning, and he was in the exact same spot on the way back.  We both wondered if it was good luck to be pooped on by a bald eagle.  I'm sure it is.  I mean, who can say "Yeah man, today I got crapped on by a bald eagle."  Probably not too many people.  However, from that height, I'm sure his poo could have given us a concussion.  It's most likely the size of a golf ball, and with that kind of velocity....well, you get the picture.  So, even though we came out of this run bald eagle poo free, it still would've been funny. ;)

There were definitely more 50-something overweight fishermen on bikes on the trail that day.  Apparently Mel and I didn't get the memo to give us a heads up on the resolution/my-wife-is-making-me-ride-this-stupid-bike crowd.  Some were friendly, some were grumpy, some were wheezing from the increased exertion, but all of them looked a little "out of place" (but in an endearing sort of way).  Very interesting...

So, the end of the run was the fastest, surprisingly (8:23 pace!).  We ran a total of 10 miles (10.03 per Gus, the overachiever) in 1:27:34, with an average pace of 8:43.  Woot!  It was difficult but very rewarding!  Thanks Mel!

 Oooo!  How about naming the eagle "Sam" just like the Muppet character?

**Sunday Shout-Outs** 
Katye: Finished her first half Disney World
Liz: Ran her longest run to date: 8 miles! 
Ron:  Finished a small 10 mile race in Cali, and has rad hair. 
Lindsay: Gave up a free race entry to Penny just because.  Props!  But, she's feeling homesick, so go give her some love when you get the chance...
Penny:  Ran the inaugural 13.1 LA race today, and also gave up an entry to a trail race to Aron!  Running bloggers are the sweetest. :)
Amanda:  She's going to start running again this week!  Go leave her some comment love when you can.  Goooo Amanda!
Sarah:  This crazy/awesome chick ran TWO half marathons this weekend.  Congrats!

AND a HUGE "WOO HOO!" to all of the Disney runners & Goofies!!  Great job!



  1. It's always interesting to see the new years resolutioners out at the gym/running outside. Definitely makes the gym more crowded for January, but it's nice to see more people getting their exercise on. Just wish they'd stick with it.

  2. Nice 10 Miler Zoe. Better luck next time getting poo'd on. I believe that would make an interesting story. Any old bird is whatever, but the "National Bird"?

  3. Oh how I hope I'll be talking about a 10 miler in a few months. :)
    Love the bird. They are so awesome!

  4. It's so funny, because I saw a bald eagle on my run on Saturday, too. I love Sam the Eagle from the Muppets. That would be cute!

    Great job on the sub-9 pace. I have to say, it's a little intimidating! You'll have to run with me on a rest day. Hehehehe.

  5. Sam is good!! Sorry about the MUSH, I am feeling the same YUCKO...

    Have a great day buddy..

  6. I totally forgot about Sam on the Muppets.

  7. It sounds like a great run! That was quite the pace.

    Sorry about the headache/mush. I hope you feel better soon!

  8. Great 10 miler! You are so ready for a full marathon if you can push the pace like that!

    Feel Better!

  9. Haha I think we have almost identical stats for our 10's this weekend. GREAT JOB. And way to not get pooed on. ;)

  10. Glad that you could counter-balance the day of driving around with a good 10-miler that was poo-free. :-) Though, it would have made for a GREAT story had you arrived home with turd on your shoulder. :-)

  11. "However, from that height, I'm sure his poo could have given us a concussion."

    HAHAHA! Hilarious! Thank goodness you dodged that bullet! You and Mel just have running "sleepover talk" and I love it!

    Great pace on that 10 miles. You are killing it!

  12. I love the randomness of your girls' run! Gotta love it! :)

  13. thanks for the shoutout! :) too kind of you.

    nice job on the 10-miler! 8:43, excellent!


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