Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I did not run today.  I drank Rolling Rock beer and ate cheap (but insanely yummy) Dick's Drive-In hamburgers.  Why?  It would be my Mum's 56th birthday, and every year my family just gets together and does what we do best: laugh and hang out.  I'll take this rest day, for sure. :)

Yup, that's my momma back in the '80s

OH!  I had a complete "Ah HA!" moment last night regarding the pain behind my left knee when I'm running...I'm testing out the theory and I'll post about it tomorrow.  It could be the culprit!

Lastly, I am thoroughly enjoying everyone's funny "bag" stories!  A lot to do with random, abandoned food.  Ha ha!  Love it.  And welcome to all my new blog peeps--I'm so happy to meet you!



  1. 'Cause sometimes we just need to rest and eat insanely good burgers! Good for you!

  2. Sounds like the perfect way to spend the day! Enjoy the rest!

  3. Happy rest day! Sometimes they're even more beneficial than running. How cute is your mom?

  4. Sounds like a lot of fun and I bet your mom loves that you guys do that. :)

    I've never had a Dick's hamburger!

  5. Sounds like a well-spent rest day!

  6. Sounds like a good rest day and a fantastic way to celebrate your momma! We used to go to the beach on my mum's would be birthday, but, I am currently landlocked, so, notsomuch.

  7. I think that is a great way to celebrate your mom's b-day! She is probably so happy to know that you guys honor her by spending time together. <3 xoxo

  8. happy birthday to your mom!

    rest is always good. cant wait to hear what was causing the knee pain.

  9. Well darnit my story that I was going to post was about abandoned food, will have to rethink.

    Glad you were able to rest and remember...Hugs, lets dedicate our miles this weeked to your Mom!!

  10. I think that's a nice way to remember your mom. I bet she was looking down at you and briming with pride.

  11. You look so much like your mom! Both lovely of course =)

  12. That sounds like a perfect rest day.

  13. Ah what a good rest day! I love those days where you can reflect and remember that love and great times! Glad you had a great day! :)


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