Sunday, January 24, 2010

And I Ran

Yesterday morning I woke up with a mean sore throat, and defeated, I texted Tall Mom Mel and told her I wouldn't make it to the 10 miler. Grrrr.  I didn't like that feeling of bowing out.  But the extra rest did help and by noon I was feeling up for a run.  A LONG run.  My mileage has been weird all week, so to make up for it I decided to run the entire Soos Creek trail, then back again.

Instead of the usual running top I would sport, I decided it would be the perfect time to try out my new Champion Double Dry long sleeved top.  It's the color of lemons and as soft as cashmere--incredible!  I will post a full review soon...but it didn't disappoint!   

I grabbed my Nathan Fuelbelt, iPhone, sunglasses, 3 Clif Shot Bloks, my ID/debit card, and a Vanilla Orange GU Roctane and hopped in my car.  My plan was to try the Roctane on my way there.  Oh boy.  Not a good flavor experience.  I think I'll stick to the flavors that could pass as frosting or pudding because all I could think about while sucking on that GU packet was that I was eating orange snot.  Snot with a twist of vanilla--not the creamsicle I was hoping for.  Yuck.  But, in its defense, I feel that it gave me a great boost.  
It turned out to be a really beautiful day for running.  There were quite a few people on the trail: a lot of walkers, some runners, some hardcore backpacking hikers...wait, what?  Yeah...there was this large group of people that had these backpacking packs on--not DAY packs or school backpacks, but serious camping backpacks with sleeping bags and tents.  Um, ok.  I didn't think there was a campsite around.  I could be wrong?  But they were really nice and let me pass them twice.  Hmmm, that was interesting. 

During the run, I'm thinking of what Mel was saying about how the trail reminded her of the swamp in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.  Creepy!  So, I was constantly checking the sides of the trail for scary dead people!  Well, not really, but you get the idea.

Towards the end of the run, my ankles were acting up a little, so I stopped to stretch them out a couple times and they were fine (weird).  The New Balance 1225s are strange to me still, and I'm feeling like I'm stomping, especially downhill.  I'm still giving them a try...


  1. Oh no!! I have ruined your happy trail with my STUPID Lord of the Rings chatter.. Sorry buddy!

    1. Backpackers, WEIRD! Maybe it was a REI learner course or something.

    2. Congrats on 12 miles solo.

    3. Roctane can be rough. I think I have fully converted to chomps :)

    Thanks for letting me know early so I could mentally prepare myself to be social.. And so I would not worry about you..

    FYI got you a little gift...hmmmmmmm....

  2. Watch out with those shoes. I had the 1224s and they gave me tendonitis. I will never buy NB shoes again. Hopefully they will work out better for you.

    Congrats on the 12 miles!

  3. Congrats on your 12 miles!

    Which Gu flavors do you like the best? I'm all for the pudding-like flavors!

  4. It's the season - my son had a mean sore throat. That turned into an ear infection, but it's a little quieter around here ;-) Last week i ran in really think fog that reminded me of Stephen King's "Mist." I kept thinking something was going to grab me out of the sky

  5. The color of lemons?!? I want one! Just because of the color ...

    I was thinking of trying some Roctane, I saw they make a pineapple, I thought that sounded yum-o ...

  6. Glad you are feeling better! Way to rock out the 12 miler.

    I still can't stomach the though of trying Gu. And your stellar review made it even less appealing. Thanks for taking one for the team!

  7. Yeah, I'm a chocolate Gu kinda girl. I've never tried any other flavors. Not sure I could force down.

    That scene in the LoR is why I didn't see the third one. Gave me nightmares for weeks and I basically live in the swamp. [I'm a huge wuss about scary movies] Creeping myself out talking about.

  8. Congratulations on the long run! I love the shirt. I can't wait for the review!

    The Vanilla Orange GU Roctane sounds less than pleasant. I think I'll stick to other flavors, too.

  9. I felt like I was stomping in the Sauconys, too! Love the yellow -- it's so bright and cheery!

  10. We don't have forests here in AZ and whenever I go back east (which isn't that often) I look into the thick trees and wonder if someone has pulled a dead body back there so I totally understand the Lord of the Rings chatter.

  11. Good for you getting out in the afternoon after not feeling too hot in the morning... usdually if I don't get out there first thing, I find it VERY difficult to get motivated.

    LOL, not a fan of vanilla orange myself... had to chuckl at your description. I will definitely NOT be trying that one again.

  12. That shirt sounds awesome, the Rocktane however, not so much.

    Do you like your Fuelbelt? I still haven't bought one yet, but need to before too much longer.

    12 miles. *bows down* I'm impressed!

  13. Congrats on the run. Sorry about the Gu. Orange Vanilla doesn't even sound remotely tasty. Personally, I like Jet Blackberry (has caffiene), Tri-Berry, and Pinapple (one of the Roctane ones). Tried Vanilla Gingerbread and hated that one though.

  14. the vanilla orange is my preferred roctane flavor. pineapple and blue pom... eh i'm just not so big on the fruit. i wish they'd make roctane with chocolate. i'd eat that all day long. lol about the icing comment - now i'm picturing frosting b-day cakes with gu!

  15. YAYA for running!! Way to rock that run solo--that's AWESOME.


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