Tuesday, January 12, 2010

For Charlie...

Found out a guy I've known for over two years passed away on Christmas Day from a freak accident. I had no idea why I hadn't seen him in over two weeks. It SUCKS.

So, I took out my anger/frustration (of losing someone before his time) on a 4 miler. I ran 4.27 miles in 36 minutes. Of course, during this run, a stupid little black & white dog had to run across the two lane street to bark at me and try and bite my legs. I freakin' yelled at that dog and he retreated. I was in NO MOOD to be messed with. So much was going through my mind. It sucked.

These past two days have been weird, and this was just the icing on the cake. My coworker and I are pretty bummed. :(

Charlie, you rocked. You'll be missed for sure, dude.


  1. Im sorry for your loss. You have my condolences. Losing someone is sad no matter what. May the sun shine on you in your time of grief, however. God Bless.

  2. Thoughts are with you and you co-workers!

  3. I'm so sorry about your friend!

  4. So sorry about your friend Zoe.... having lost someone in my life must too soon last year, I understand the frustration and anger. It does suck.

  5. Hugs, Zoe. I bet Charlie was smiling, though, when you gave that dog a piece of your mind as you ran in memory of him. :)

  6. Very sorry for your loss.
    Sometimes life just sucks doesn't it. Especially if you are a black and white dog barking at someone who is on a mission. :)

  7. Sorry Zoe. Thinking about you at this tough time.

  8. I'm so sorry about your friend. My thoughts are with you and your coworker.

  9. Sorry for your loss Zoe. My heart goes out to you.

  10. So sorry about Charlie's death, and your loss. Thinking about you sweetie.


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