Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gus Saves the Day

Again, trusty 'ol Gus was eager for the 11 miler this morning with Mel and Kerrie...totally located a satellite like a pro. :)  He also was the only Garmin that was turned back on after some brief water stop pauses.  Heh heh.  Everyone wanted his stats!  Actually, not everyone, but a couple people forgot to hit the "resume" button.  Super Gus!

This Saturday long run was very similar to the run two weeks ago when I first became a Ninja Running Bandit on the trail with Mel and her training group.  This means that Kerrie and I were running a little late and I had to speed/sprint my way past all the other training peeps and try to catch up to Amazon Tall Mom Mel.  EEK!  A couple times I looked at Gus and saw numbers that started in 7.  Like 7:45 and 7:52.  Oh goodness, how far ahead was she?  Let's just say that after 2.5 miles I had to yell "MEL!" when I seriously could not go the last 100 feet to catch up.  I was dying.  Luckily she heard me and slowed down, but after saying our "hellos" she said something that made me see stars: "We're going a different route today:  It's got more hills."

Excuse me?  Did you mention the H word in that sentence?

Oh crap.

After briefly stopping before the monster hill to stretch my knee, I felt a million times better--stars were gone.  That's when a fellow marathon runner-in-training named Janna started to run with us.  She's hilarious!  We ran "three abreast" (as Tall Mom stated) for the remainder of the run (approx. 6 miles).  Mel and I had planned on 11 miles, so Janna was game and went with us.  At the turnaround for the other runners we ran into a super speedy Kerrie at mile 5, who snapped a pic by sprinting ahead and telling us to slow down. :)
Janna, me, Mel

Besides race pics, this is the first time I've had my picture taken on a training run.  Ah yes, felt like a rockstar. The rest of the miles flew by with fun conversation and laughter.  It was a successful 11 miles!
Ta DA!

Unfortunately, there was no Sam the Eagle sightings today. *sigh*  Apparently that date he had a few weeks ago must've been major because he's been spending all the time with her.  Geez, bros before ho's, Sam.

Thank you Mel and Kerrie!  The Ninja Running Bandit strikes again! Mwa ha ha ha!


  1. Nice run! Looks like it was the perfect day for a long run and nice that you have running mates!

  2. You ladies are too cute! Great run and I love the pics!

  3. Way to save the day, Gus!

    Awesome pictures! Sounds like a great run - so much better than mine on the treadmill! Yay for group runs with friends.

  4. GPS is the best thing ever. The miles don't count unless its recorded on my Garmin :)

  5. Now that is what running is all about... :0)

    Great pics!

  6. Next time we'll be super early! No sprinting. :)

  7. Nice pictures! Looks like a great day for a long run - except for those jackets!

  8. Thanks for the stats!! I am sooo bummed I forgot. YOu rock so much for catching up to me... I love my ninja bandit.

    did you see Janna is on Dailymile?

    AND FYI I think that hill will be a part of our route now :)

  9. I think it's so awesome that y'all have each other to run with!!

  10. You ladies look like you're having a great time. Way to go!

  11. You guys make me wanna move to Washington just to have an awesome running group!

  12. Good job. Love your and Tall Mom's pics during runs. I often forget to reset before a new run or resume after a break. That makes me so mad. Love also that you named yours. Too cute.

  13. Sounds like a great run!!!! Wish I could have made it out! One of these days I will!!! Good job on Catching Mel!! That would have been the end of my run. 2.5 in 14 min. Done and Done.

  14. looks like a fun long run. super jealous of your running partners. :(


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