Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Days

Posting via iPhone because we haven't had power since 5 AM. Over 12 hours without power because of snow is no fun, except when you have a 14 month old who loves to chase the cat, a gas fireplace and stovetop, a ton of candles left over from your wedding 5 years ago, wine and....GLOW STICKS!

We've been listening to and witnessing tons of branches crash and fall behind our house because of the excess ice weight. Kinda creepy, but at times it looks like the trees are hurling snowballs at our house. ;)
And we are passing the time playing with some $1 Target glow sticks from Halloween. Yay!


  1. Brrr, it must be cold with no power!

  2. Sounds like fun!! I'm in Spokane and we have 9 inches and its still coming. Hope you get your power back soon :)

  3. Sounds like you are making the most of it!

  4. Did the power come back on yet? Our power has been on/off about 5 times but I'm so thankful it's still here. Half of our tree fell on the neighbor's house though, so that's not so good. Can it hurry up and melt NOW please??!!

  5. Oh man. I'm stocking up on glow sticks so I can be prepared when the power goes out!!

  6. I am so over the snow this year! We still don't have going on 30 hours without power. Our house was 54 degrees this morning and we have brought our child into the office just to get warm for a while today. I hear a hotel calling my name if the power is not on when we get home.

  7. Oh My! What a storm! I hope you have power by now :( Little Goober will be getting mighty chilly without some heat.

    That snow finally made it's way to IL and messed with the getting-home-from-work traffic. Took me 20 20 minutes to make a 10-minute drive. I know that's nothing compared to what you're dealing with, but at least the "love" is being shared!

  8. I think that it is great that you are quite positive about it. Also we can forget the glow sticks that It makes it funnier. You don't need electricity or pay per head with all that.


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