Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Mile

Mile time trials made me anxious and super nervous ever since my high school cross country days.  I was even more jittery about running the mile than any of the races, and I'm not sure why.  Maybe it was because I was afraid I wouldn't live up to my expectations or just not push myself hard enough.  Well, today was a mile run on the track with Travis and Goober...and I.Was.Nervous. 

Guess what?  My nerves--and my wicked awesome pink/black Saucony Kilkennys--made the mile worth it.  PR worth it.  

6:54 to be exact.

The finish.
Please ignore my spandex...and bad arm form.
Well, hello "Under-7-Minutes!"  I'm not sure I've ever seen you before in my mile time trials!  HECK YEAH!  During the entire run I made sure not even to take a glance at Gus the Garmin.  Not once.  When I beeped Gus to a stop at the end of four laps I looked at his bland digital face and did a little schoolgirl squeal.  EEK!  

"Under SEVEN!" I exclaimed to a waiting Trav.  Add a little happy dance and my track workout was complete.  Ahhhhh.  So amazing, that feeling of accomplishment. 

And to think I doubted myself.

Just remember you CAN do it.  But you have to get out there first...

Trav & I post-mile. He did well too!
Our adorable cheerleader, Goober


  1. Dude! Awesome!

    6:54 was my mile in junior high PE (we had to run a timed mile for that PE test thing).

    What track did you go to? If we train for a 5k, we gotta do some track workouts...

  2. That is really awesome! I've done that a few times recently (writhin the last 12-18 months) and I know how hard that is physically to just go all out for a mile. Well done.

  3. Whoot whoot!!!! That's awesome speedy girl! Goober could not be cuter!!

  4. I've never done a mile trial. I've never thought about doing it until recently. I get very nervous thinking about it because of how bad I might suck at it. I think I may have to break down and do it one day soon. EEEK!

  5. sub 7 is some serious speed, congrats!

  6. I haven't seen anything close to under 7 since my highschool days. Way to go on that Zoe! Congratulations. Was this a mile time trial? I expect to do one in march with hopes of getting under 9. hahaha. Take care, and thanks for the motivation!

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