Saturday, January 14, 2012

Olympic Marathon Trials...WOW!

Went over to Kerrie's house today for a little viewing party of the Olympic Marathon Trials with Miss Kerrie and Karla.  All I can say is WOW.  These athletes are amazing!  We marveled at the speed of the men AND women, the bikini bottoms of the women, the compression socks, the swim cap-like hats, the dude with the spandex shorts that cut his junk in two (NOT a good look BTW), the sunny loop course, the awesome finishes, and the "ugly" crying.  It was just too cool to see all those athletes cheering for each other, motivating each other and just being happy for the Olympic team.

What did we do after watching the marathon?  We went for a little 3 mile trail run with Kerrie's youngest boxer, Bennie. We weren't going to watch super runners and NOT want to go running after.  Geez! ;)
The run was quick, cold, beautiful and it smelled like evergreens.  Perfection!

Proceed with photographic proof of the events...
As Kerrie put it...Olympic Marathon dreams
Karla and I in our "strong pose"
Karla and Kerrie
So excited for the OLYMPICS!  YEAH!!


  1. Wasn't watching the Olympic Trials the most inspiring thing EVER? I just wanted to run a marathon right then and there (uh, not possible, back to reality!). I cannot wait to watch the real Olympic Marathon!

  2. Lol! I missed the guy with his divided junk! Lol! Yes, how can you not get inspired? :)

  3. I LOVED watching the trials!! You girls look like you had a blast!!

  4. i saw the trials and i was glued to the always boggles my mind how fast they run...i don't think my treadmill goes that fast!!!!!

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