Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sneezing Snot Princess

Day 4; kinda sore.
(I betcha didn't know I was a poet!)
Yesterday's deadlifts made the phrase "pain in the butt" a reality today. Holy smokes. Taking the stairs at work in my lovely patent leather heels was not fun (but man, I looked cute). :D

Anyway, the AM run was a tiring one. My pace was steady, but I felt parched in the beginning and running with morning breath is the worst! My PM run was waaaaaaay better because I ran outside. Woo hoo! Oh, how I miss running outdoors! It was clear enough to do some neighborhood running, but it still was cold. My nose manages to magically turn into a faucet, and my sleeve turns into a Kleenex. I believe I am the Snot Princess when it comes to running, even in the summer. My nose hates me! But when I actually BRING Kleenex on a run, I don't need it and it just disintegrates in my clammy hands. Yuck. Overall, it was a great 3.7 miler with a good pace of 8:37. But, since I am the self-proclaimed Princess-o-Snot, I had some crazy sneezing fit that has lasted over two hours since I got home. I can't stop sneezing! What gives?

In other news, I purchased another Running Skirt the other day. I am so excited to get that envelope in the mail! is having a sale on some items (50% off?! Woot!), and so I had to get a hold of one of their athletic skirts. Since I love my navy/white skirt so much, why not? Look at how purdy that black and purple skirt'll look fantastic in my Seattle Half pictures in 2.5 weeks...

Tomorrow night I'm going to a local running store event for women only called Diva Night at Fleet Feet Sports. Liz and I are making it a girls' night! We haven't had the chance to hang out in a while, so I'm giddy. OH! and I get to meet Tall Mom, Mel! It should be a blast.
Bring it, Day 5.

**Team Quick Pickles Update: $150 raised, only $50 to go.**


  1. Love the skirt! I totally hear you on the runny nose. It never fails. I hope the sneezing lets up soon.

  2. I love, love, love deadlifts...they make me able to wear cute skirts like yours ;-). Thanks for the link...I just might scoop one up.

  3. love blogger meet-ups!! and the skirt! You're doing awesome with the two-a-days :)

  4. Man. It would be nice if it got cold enough every now and then here in SoCal that we would have to worry about snot faucets. Well. Maybe not.....

    Great workout!

  5. Sneezing Snot Princess! Girl you crack me up!

    Have fun at the meet up, I love runner/blogger meet ups! Take pics! :)

  6. Great Workout! I enjoy reading your posts as they inspire!

  7. Me likey the running skirt. I need cute ones. Mine are black. BO-RING! I don't turn into the snot princess, just the beet red, sweaty like a man princess. It's really attractive. My husband usually won't hug me after a race because I'm sopping wet. TMI. Sorry!

  8. Two words: snot rockets. Learn it, love it, embrace it.

    Not sure it would help with the sneezing, but any opportunity to endorse the fine art of snot rockets is a moment I will always seize.

  9. IT was GREAT to meet you! Sorry if I was a little out of it, that place was packed and I kept elbowing people and it was HOT!!

    But pretty darn fun if you ask me..

    Love the running skirt.. Wow you are tough to wear a skirt in November..

  10. I love the skirt! I have that one and 12 others. You might say I am mildly obsessed! Hope the sneezing has stopped


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