Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ready, Set...GO!

I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly. It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep because my dreams are bursting at the seams.
-Owl City, "Fireflies"

LOVE that song. It just makes me happy and want to sing at the top of my lungs. You know what else makes me happy? The picture to the leaves. I LOVE red leaves. They are gorgeous. It just makes me so amazed that there is such bold color out there. *sigh* Ok, now onto my main topic: running, yo!

After a really rough/annoying/tough/crappy last two weeks of "non-running" running, I needed a pep talk from Coach Fish. We talked on the phone for about a half hour and I told him I needed a swift kick in the butt to get back into my usual routine. Send me a training plan, Coach Fish! And that he did. :) Aren't Uncles great?

The plan is this: Run 2X a day...
AM run is an easy easy 20 minutes. Did I mention easy? Ah, thought so. ;)
PM run is most likely going to be a treadmill workout (20-30 minutes) of either A) 1 minute at 15 degrees then 2 minutes at 3 degrees - repeat until done B) 60 seconds at 8mph then 90 seconds at 6mph all at 2 degrees or C) relaxed run at 3-4% incline.
Also, my weight training Coach (aka my husband Travis) is getting me back into my routine again. Today I did 5 reps of 8 bench presses using just the bar. Then some tricep work with a 15 lb dumbbell. Grrr!

Yesterday I did a barefoot walk on the treadmill for 1 mile (18:30 min) at a 9% incline. It was interesting because my socks were dirty from the 'mill, but you could tell where I step! (Yeah, I was in jeans. Ha ha!) My poor little toe and second-to-little toe! Looks like those piggies see more impact than the rest. Interesting!

This morning's easy 20 minutes was PERFECT. The weather was clear and I had to get a pic of the sun, even though it turned out to look like the moon/twilight. Cool huh? It was just a beautiful day for a run.

My PM run was the super hilly treadmill (option A). Wow. I ran at a 9:45 pace, but duuuuuude, it was tough! And then coupled with my lifting with Travis and J...I'm spent. Now it's off to soak in some Epsom Salt.

Two more things:
  • Again, congrats to Noah on winning a movie night
  • Be sure to check out thriv and become a member of their e-mail list for a chance to win a free workout tee!

I'M BACK ON TRACK! Ready, Set, GOOO!! :)


  1. Congrats to Noah too:)

    Joe, so glad you're back on track. So cool to have a coach who is also your uncle! :)

    And, thanks for introducing thriv. I signed up for a chance to win a free workout tee. How do you like their products?

  2. Hey Thomas! I really love my tank top from thriv because it's very soft and breathable. I reviewed it last week in a post if you want to check it out. And RunnerDude also reviewed one on his blog. I'm pretty stoked to try out their other products (like the hoody). :)

  3. That's kind of cool how you can see what your step is like. Very interesting.

    And, WOW. That sun/moon picture is amazing. That should be a book cover or something. Or on a movie poster or in a frame. Something!

    Glad you're getting back into the swing of things. Good job!

  4. Wow that pictures is COOL!! That is a great idea to walk in socks..

    Where do you usually run?? Wondering if we would ever have a chance to meet up?

  5. I like the sock walk idea. I might have to try this.

  6. Wow that's clever, I've never thought of doing that. but I'd have to use an old school pair of socks, otherwise I'd be super annoyed at how dirty they got. :p

  7. I LOVE LOVE owl city! :) They are so good! I love the song fuzzy blue lights and vanilla twilight! :)

  8. cute pic of the feet!! so happy you're back on track, you'll do great!

  9. That's awesome. I'm back on track too. I did almost 5 miles (to your house) :) yesterday and am going to treadmill it up when Weier leaves. Too bad it gets so freakin' dark so early here.

  10. good idea about dirtying up your socks! interesting for sure.

    glad you are back on track!


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