Thursday, November 19, 2009

Runner Profile: Meet The Shabby Princess

She refers to herself as The Shabby Princess, but really, this girl is far from shabby. A Chanel quote frames the bottom of her page, which really sums up Miss SP: "A woman should be two things: classy & fabulous." She is classy AND extremely fabulous! She's got quite a few races in the cards, but one in particular is this coming weekend--a marathon! Be sure to check out her blog and send her some excellent race vibes. :)

1. What is your favorite stretch?
I do a lot of yoga and I won't get on my yoga soapbox, but, seriously, runners, spend some time with yoga--you will thank me for it later. I love any stretch for my hip flexors--they get super sore really easily (hills, perhaps?)--anyways, a really, really deep low lunge is the best I've found, as well as this yoga pose (I don't do the arm part) Say it with me now: "oohmmmm"

2. Do you have any pre-race rituals?
I have to buy a new top/shorts/something before my race--this isn't to say I race in it (that's a general no-no to race in something brand new), but, I always buy myself a little "running treat" to get me excited--for my last race, I bought a fun pink headband to keep my gummy hair off my face! (totally buying a blue one to match my marathon outfit) Ohh! And I always have a piece of whole wheat bread with peanut or almond butter and chocolate chips as my pre race meal. The chocolate chips are of real importance. Trust this.

3. What motivates you to run?
When I first started, it was to lose weight. I then signed up for a half marathon and then the motivation was fear--honest to goodness fear--I could not make a fool of myself. As time has gone on, I've found other reasons to run--for me, for charity (I'm running a full marathon and two half marathons in 2010 for OperationJack check it out, very close to my heart). Today when I was out in the cold, dark morning just plotting along, I thought to myself how glad I am to have that time. It's like my little spiritual time. I sort things out, I de-stress and I burn some calories. It's a win-win as far as I'm concerened. And Texas sunrises are gorgeous!

4. When did you start running?
I ran in college a bit, but more recreationally. I wanted to sign up for a half marathon the summer after my freshman year, but, chickened out. I got serious about a year ago when a bunch of co-workers convinced me to sign up to run a marathon relay with them--well, the team fell apart and I didn't race, but, I did keep running.

5. Running shoe of choice?
I'm currently rocking my New Balance 769 Susan G. Komen shoes--they're hot pink and a portion of the proceeds go to Susan G. Komen. They're a good mild stability shoe--I might look into something with more motion control--on anything over 16 miles, my ankles start to get wonky, but, I love my shoes--they're light and speedy! (and pink!)

6. Best advice received?
Ohhh, that's a toughie. I like to think that I've received a lot of advice over the years, and this will sound really cliche and corny, but, it never fails: "You can do it!". Cheesy, right? Yes, but, when I was gearing up for my first 20 miler, everyone in my running group (they were running 17) kept telling me that throughout our run and even though I had 3 miles to go it alone, they're inspiring words were still ringing in my ears. I firmly believe you must have faith in yourself. If you don't believe you can do it, why should anyone else? (of course, I will say that my husband is my biggest supporter and totally belives I can do things when I'm 100% sure I cannot, so, anyways)

7. What do you think about when running?
Everything and nothing. Sometimes it's "goodness I am going to die right here on the road" other times I'm admiring the scenery and noticing new things--often times, it's "mental note: look that house up when you get home" if I see a home for sale in my neighborhood. Sometimes I try to hash out work stresses or my grocery list (weird, right?), other times I will get to mile 3 and have no idea how I got there--I just zone out. Those are my favorite runs. But, lately, on my long runs that push me to the max, it's been about Jack (via OperationJack) because I cannot let him down--so, if I get tired or grumpy I think about how lucky I am--I can run, I can do this and I need to get over myself and just run!

8. What is something you cannot run without?
Hmm, probably my iPod. Even if I don't listen to it, I always have it with me. And on anything more than 8 miles, I must have my fuel belt. I tend to get spaz-tastic if I don't know where there is water and once I get into double digits, the water fountains on the path that I run get kind of sparse and I tend to freak if I'm not fully hydrated. It's probably mostly mental, but, I don't want to mess with it.

9. What race distance is your favorite?
I love the 15k because it's such an easy breakdown: 5k, 10k then 5k to go! The 10k was my first ever race, so, when I get to 5k on a 15k race I just tell myself that I only have a 10k left, and I can totally rock that. Plus, it's a nice distance because it doesn't take up your whole day and I'm usually not too sore afterwards. But, the half is gaining on me. I hated my first half, but, that's because the course sucked, I'm a fan of double digit runs, so, I think the half marathon will be replacing the 15k very soon.

10. Most outrageous running story you've heard or experienced?
Hmmm, well, these aren't nessecarily running stories, but, I was running when they happened, does that count? My husband is a cyclist and one day when I was running with my group, he and a friend were out riding, randomly, we ended up at the same place at the same time, and he rode past me and smacked me on my booty! Scared the bajeezus out of me--and I didn't really recognize him in his sunglasses, helment and jersey. It took a minute before I realized who it was--for a minute there, it was some creepy stranger. But, now I look back on it and think it's kind of cute. Another "while I was running" story actually just happened a few days ago. I was coming back through a parking lot and there was a guy changing out of his cycling shorts and into regular shorts to get into his car--OK, I understand not wanting to drive with padded bum shorts (which are probably sweaty)--but! But! But! Use a towel--or change in the car! More than I needed to see--EVER (if ya get my drift). Pretty sure that's indescent exposure! People.


  1. LOL! That last story made me crack up. Can't wait to check out the Shabby Princess!

  2. Love the Shabby Princess, so excited for her! She's going to rock the marathon this weekend!!

  3. Great post... off to check her blog out.

  4. Love the runner/blogger posts.. great idea, Zoe! Will have to check out the Shabby Princess. Love her last story. Thnx for sharing her with us. :-)

  5. Nice interview...always nice to hear from peeps who share the love of this great sport/hobby of ours.

    Now go find Kara Goucher please :)

  6. I love the profiles you do, that is a great idea! I love seeing all these running profiles because I am new to this whole thing and all of these people are such an inspiration! They keep me going and they don't even know!

    Off to check out shabby princess's blog!

  7. another fun runner! the personal story/experience is funny, though people changing in public - wow. i've had enough of that myself :)

  8. You're right, she's fabulous! What a fun article to read.

    Thanks, Girls!


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