Monday, October 19, 2009

Race Flashback!

Woah, I found race results from my second road race (with Uncle Doug) back in 1999 on the web. I don't have any pictures from that race, but I remember wearing french braids and that it was 100% humidity and in the 90's that day. It was July 18th and part of the "Village Days" of Osterville called the "Run for the Library." I had run this race back in 1995 with my Uncle Doug and here's a picture I found while back in Massachusetts!
Coach Fish & Little Me at age 11
(This is a picture of a picture. The original photo was actually printed from a computer, so the ink has kind of morphed and bled over the years of Cape Cod humidity. Crazy that it's from a printer though!)

Back to the Run for the Library of 1999...I was 15 and going to be a junior in high school. Apparently I wasn't that fast in this race, but I just remember nearly dying from the heat! It was incredibly hot! I actually doused myself with the water station cups. Here's the results:

Distance: 4.12 miles
Time: 43:41
Overall: 235 out of 274
Division: 7 out of 9 (F 14-18)
Sex Place: 86 out of 107
Pace: 10:36

Crazy, huh? Uncle Doug even let me "beat" him in the race. I'm sure he would have won the entire thing overall if I wasn't holding him back. Good times. :)
Perhaps next summer I'll run the race again...and dominate! Ha ha!


  1. This is so cool. This is why I save everything from my son's races. One day he will look back and remember when he was five years old and ran the Run Forest Run 5k in 45 minutes! I better get his time for the one mile Marine Corps Race this Saturday!

  2. Definitely, Noah! Especially a five year old running a 5K in 45 minutes! DUDE, that's awesome! And good luck this Saturday with the MCM!

  3. It's so fun to look back at these things. My mom sent me more IronKids photos, so I may post those in the future.

  4. how fun, what a great uncle : )

    thanks for your comment on my profile on Runner Dude!!


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