Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Attempt at a Giveaway!

In the spirit of making the best of things and sending along a little fun, I'm going to try my hand at a giveaway. Ready? Here it goes...

I am addicted to Coke...(No, not that kind of coke!)...Coke Zero to be exact. I love the stuff! To me, it’s a million times better than Diet Coke and could be considered a morning caffeinated beverage. It’s just THAT good! There’s always at least Zero in our house, as Travis is addicted too. However, he prefers actual Coca Cola (full calories, sugar and all!), but I’ve since persuaded him and coaxed him to the “healthier” side of soda pop, if there is such a thing…

So, as a tribute to two of my favorite things (next to running, of course)--Coke Zero and watching movies--I’m giving away a Blockbuster Night coupon! Woo hoo! This can be running related, you know. You could choose to rent Prefontaine, or Spirit of the Marathon, or even Forrest Gump! See? I’m wicked clever. And, no, my blog name did not stem from Jenny’s “Run, Forrest! Run!” quote exactly.

What it is:
The coupon is good for TWO Free Movie Rentals at Blockbuster, TWO 20 oz. Bottles of a Coke Product and ONE Free Tub of Popcorn.
Sweetness! (Expires 12/28/09)

Here's what you gotta do:
1) Follow me & 2) Leave me a comment with your idea of the perfect “vegging out” kind of night.
Easy as pie. :)

I’ll pick a winner of the prize next Thursday, November 5th using a random number generator as an accomplice.



  1. I already follow you... and...

    I had the perfect veg out night ever a few weeks ago...

    Couch, Marathon Training Documentary, bowl of candy, foot rub and cuddling. :)

  2. Wow, you got me on this one. I don't really watch many DVDs at home. But I will follow you anyway! :)

  3. OMG. A veg out night?! What is THAT? I don't even know what the perfect one would be. I think just getting one would be perfect. Yeah, just getting to veg out would be AWESOME!

    And, I follow you!

    Fun giveaway!

  4. After I do my long run on Saturdays and what ever else my son wants to do during the afternoon we "veg out" that night. We (me, my wife and my son) make a huge fruit and vegetable trey (with hummus and bagel chips on the side) and just lay in bed watching college football. We can do that for hours! That is the perfect night.

  5. i am a new follower. :)

    also I have a giveaway going on right now if your interested.

  6. My perfect vegging out night is nachos and watching the Unit.

  7. I just hit "follow" on your blog!

    My perfect "vegging out" night involves sitting on the couch with my husband and watching The Wire (although we just finished that - have to find something new!)

  8. I just added you to my reader. Found you from Glenn Jones' blog. :) My idea of a veg fest is a bottle of vino, a cute boy, cuddling, and a good movie, or a tv series on dvd.

  9. I am a newbie to your blog. I have found you via Truly inspiring. You got me all teary up. Like you, I have lost my brother who has deep passion for running. I haven't run in a long time. I took up running four years ago for the reason of my brother's love - running.

    My perfect veg out is curling up on the sofa with a blanket and a book. I am currently reading "Born to Run" by Christopher MacDugal.

    I am going to follow your blog.

    P.S. Thanks for sharing!

  10. oh i am the expert at vegging out! pj's/sweats, couch or bed, and a movie or tv-series on dvd! anddd i'd lie if i said i never ate a carton of ice cream too. ;)

    and i'm a follower!


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