Monday, October 26, 2009

Do Overs

Not the greatest running weekend, but that's ok. It can't be speedy and "perfect" 100% of the time. Yesterday's 4.6 miler was good. I purposely listened to Coldplay and Imogen Heap to run at a slow pace (targeting 10 min/mile), and it worked. My goal was to just get some miles in, and I did. The run was cut a little shorter than I wanted because my stomach became upset towards the end, but oh well. 4.6 miles is good.
Lifted a little yesterday, too. Stretched a bunch. Watched some really terrible free scary movies on demand. It was a lazy Sunday overall.

This weekend I realized that my running has had an impact on some people in my life, and it feels fantastic. My oldest sister told me she got a trainer and that she's beginning to run a little. My hope is that she will join me and my friends in the Iron Girl race next year (because this one was a blast!). Liz has told me that my running motivated her back in June. Since signing Travis up for the Pineapple Classic, he's been hopping on the treadmill daily now.

It's feels weird that people would look up to me in that sense. It's really flattering/humbling and makes me not want to let them down. So, this is why I'm not going to have any more bad runs...who cares if I don't make that 6th mile? I ran. Who cares if I have to go slow one day? I ran. Who cares if I have to take little breaks every mile on the treadmill BecauseTreadmillRunningIsHard? I still ran.

Like Coach Fish says, "It's all about the miles," and that's what I'm going to be about.

Just run for the fun of it.


  1. Amen to that sister! You are inspiring and inspired. It's a great place to be.

  2. Um yeah... B.o.B just stole my comment. Agreed.

  3. Love the attitude! I need to adopt that :)

    PS. Why is it that I ALWAYS have to tkae breaks on the treadmill but when I'm outside I usually don't have to stop unless I'm really thirsty and or need fuel?!

  4. I know you definitely keep me going. All my bloggy running buddies and FB friends who read the blog do. Sometimes I think without my blog and the blogs I read (like yours), I never would have been able to keep running. Sorry your tummy was upset. That's been happening to me a lot lately (but luckily not while I'm running). Not sure what's up. The weather?

  5. Today must be the ay for motivational blogs! Your's is the third or fourth I've read today!

    You may not know it, but reading blogs like yours is what keeps me going when the miles are long and the hours turn into drudgery. hanks for reminding me why I run.

    And it took my son about 40 minutes to finish that plate. 1 1/2 pound burger with trimmings, french fries, and chili. Got a t-shirt for his troubles. Luckily he's 16 and can put the food away!

  6. love the attitude! a run should never be bad because we still got out and ran! need to tattoo that one on my forehead :)

  7. Thats awesome that you're inspiring others!

  8. Great post Zoe. I needed to hear it today.


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