Friday, October 23, 2009

Blood & (NotSoMuch) Guts

No running yesterday...I gave blood again. Apparently my body doesn't like me doing this and makes me see spots and get dizzy afterwards...but I'm still determined to make it work. Since the flu season is upon us, healthy donors are needed more than ever, and I wanted to do my part. Trust me, I hate needles (and the thought of them make me queasy), but I can do it, and so you can too. For more information and to find a donation center near you, please check out You never know who you could be helping. :)

To go along with my non-running post, I just want to thank Kerrie from Mom vs. Marathon for the shout out yesterday! She tagged me in her new series Thank You Thursday and so I want to show her some love. You should check out her blog because she's a tough running mama with an adorable running buddy, doggies and a supportive Mr. ;) Oh, and she's kicking some butt on the mileage front too!

So here's what I have to do:
The rules are to use only one word to answer the questions below, then pass it on to six fellow bloggers and tell them you did so.

Ready? Ok!

1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your hair? Dark
3. Your mother? Miss
4. Your father? Spontaneous
5. Your favorite food? Bagels
6. Your dream last night? Weird
7. Your favorite drink? Margaritas
8. Your dream/goal? Owner
9. What room are you in? Cubicle
10. Your hobby? Blogging ;)
11. Your fear? TractorTrailers!
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Complete
13. Where were you last night? Couch
14. Something that you aren't? Loud
15. Muffins? Lemon
16. Wish list item? Tattoo
17. Where did you grow up? Seattle
18. Last thing you did? Stairs
19. What are you wearing? Trends ;)
20. Your TV? Flat
21. Your pets? Burmese
22. Friends? Love
23. Your life? Unpredictable
24. Your mood? Anxious
25. Missing someone? Always
26. Vehicle? Mustang
27. Something you're not wearing? Pantyhose (ugh!)
28. Your favorite store? Employer
29. Your favorite color? Blue
30. When was the last time you laughed? Earlier
31. Last time you cried? Week
32. Your best friend? Lifetime
33. One place that I could go over and over? Massachusetts
34. One person who emails you regularly? #4
35. Favorite place to eat? Subway

Alrighty, up next is:

Sarah from SkinnyRunner: Talk about a wicked funny running girl! She blogs about celebs and is a fabulous fashionista.

Beth from Shut Up and Run!: This woman is incredibly hilarious and always makes me smile. And she knows what it's like to be stuck in a "boot" for weeks unable to run...

Glenn from The Running Fat Guy: Though his blog says "fat" he is very far from it! He's a very inspirational (and hardcore) marathoner.

The Shabby Princess: Her first marathon is approaching and she's clearly ready to go. Plus, she's super sweet and has style, bay-bee!

I'm only going to nominate four people today. Too many fun bloggers to choose from! Plus, I've got to come up with my strategy for the Nike+ Human Race tomorrow...


  1. thanks for the shoutout, yo!
    have a super duper pooper weekend!

  2. Mmmm. I could go for a margarita right about now. Good job giving blood!

  3. came to your blog from blogcatalog.
    cool blog!

  4. Wow.Now I have to do this twice! I was also tagged by lindsay a while back.

    Well, now that I'm not running DOZENS of miles, I guess I need to get busy!

  5. Thanks for the shoutout and the nice words!!!

  6. fun listy-thing! :)

    sorry to hear about the 'cubicle' part... been there, not a fan! lol. you have me craving a lemon muffin now! grrr. soo hungry ;)


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