Tuesday, February 22, 2011

51% OFF See Jane Run Half Marathon!

Ok, so Mel found this and it's an AWESOME deal.  I just registered for the See Jane Run Half Marathon in Seattle and it cost me only $37 on zozi.com.  YES, thirty seven smackeroos!  And guess what?  If you go through the following link, then you can get an EXTRA $10 off of THAT price.  How can you NOT want to register now?  The deal only has 12 days left, so hop on board!

Use this link HERE...then go to the "Featured Deal in Seattle" to register.


  1. Isn't it like a week after our first full?

  2. 3 weeks after. I figure 13.1 miles wouldn't feel like much at that point. ;)

  3. Thanks for the link...is it crazy I am considering it and I havn't even ran my first half. Eeek....what to do what to do.

  4. You have PLENTY of time, Jen! You should totally do it! :)

  5. Thanks for letting us know! I just registered!!! Woot Woot!


  6. Hi, I registered, but how do I get another $10 off from $37?
    Did everyone get a discount?
    It says I don't have any credits to use....

    Thanks for the link!

  7. If you've never used Zozi.com before and you use the link provided in the post, you should get a $10 credit. If you didn't get the credit and you're a first time user of Zozi, then I would contact them if I were you.

    Hope it works, otherwise, $37 is a slamming good deal by itself! :)

  8. Thanks for the info! At $27 I couldn't NOT sign up, what a steal for a race.

    Following you now, nice to see a Seattle area runner. :)


Thanks for visiting! You're a rockstar!


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