Sunday, June 27, 2010

Woot! I did it!

3rd half marathon is in the books...the 2nd half marathon for Me+Goober, and Goober's 5th race!

Holy cow.  I am wicked sore, and I realize I need a little self-tanner or bronzer. ;)
I'll leave it at that for now...full recap tomorrow!

Great job, racers!!!


  1. Way to go! Who says you can't run while pregnant?

  2. Awww!!!! :-) greeattt job mama!!! Can't wait to hear ur race report!!!!

  3. I just started following your blog. So inspiring that you are running while pregnant, very encouraging for when I get to that part of my life. Yay for completing the Seattle Rock and Roll Half. I did it last year and loved it.

  4. I'm so impressed that you did 2!! half marathons while being pregnant. you rock!!! ;) Love the shirt :)

  5. CONGRATS! I loved your outfit and how you let everyone know that Goober was running too. Self-tanner. soooo funny :)

  6. Way to go!!! You are so inspiring!!


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