Monday, June 7, 2010

The Stink

Now, I normally smell people cooking dinner on my runs around the neighborhood.  Teriyaki chicken, meatloaf, pasta, garlic bread etc: it all smells delicious.  Not tonight.  I swear someone had boiled a raccoon or sauteed a couple sweat-soaked tube socks and served it with a side of horse poo.  Ok, I may be exaggerating a bit.  Actually no, maybe not.  This is what it smelled like for FIVE whole houses: hot cat vomit/cat food mixed with stinky bleu cheese.  It was horrendous!  I literally had to hold my nose for half a block.  Goodness people, what WAS that?

The rest of the run was amazing. Humid out, but very refreshing!  Gus actually said I was going at an 8:40 pace (and I felt like I was) for a little bit.  Slow down! soon as I pass the stink block...


  1. EW, gross. I had a stink problem on my run this weekend too!
    I was trying to suck down a Jet Blackberry GU, which was making me nauseous because it's so sweet.
    While I was trying not to get sick, I ran past a pile of smelly dog poo!
    It took everything I had not to puke.

  2. Somewhere around within 10 miles, farmers are using manure on their has been wafting our way of late so my morning runs have been very ripe. Ugh.

  3. yucko I hate the smell of fried food when I run...blah but that sounds just awful!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it. Stinky runs are no fun...thankfully it sounds like it was only a block or so that was bad.

  5. Smelling dinner can be the best and worst part of an evening run. Smell soooo good (most of the time) but always makes me hungry! In this case, that's just gross!!

  6. completely random and having nothing to do with the post at-hand:

    Wouldn't it be cute if your blog header silhouette got a bigger tummy each week? (ok, maybe not, but I thought it was cute anyway)

    sorry for your stinky run. hopefully trash pick-up is soon and your neighbors can get rid of whatever they're keeping around?

  7. That is so sick. Gotta love the prego nose. My hubby used to say I could smell a fart coming, way before it was ever released. Gross.

  8. LOL! Too funny. My little preggo Zoe trying to get her run on and having her senses viciously attacked!

    P.S. Everytime I pass a naked semi on the highway heading to a job interview I think of you. <3

  9. Great job on the run! That smell sounds gross.

  10. I bet it was your pregnant nose! I could smell cigarette smoke a mile away when I was pregnant.

  11. Sorry you had a stinky run. Maybe next time, your neighbors will all be doing laundry/mowing grass at the same time so you'll get to smell freshly cut grass and/or Febreeze/Tide instead. :)

  12. Ah the prego nose!! When I was pregnant I could smell the body odor of ALL the driver who can in my office.. And the train dont even get me started..

    This sooo reminded me Anchorman and how they describe the perfume.. LOL

  13. ha ha the stink block. Did you ever find out what they were cooking???

  14. Yuck!!! That would've put me over the edge when I was pregnant. I ran last week on garbage day so everyone's garbage cans were on the street and it was 90 degrees out. Stinky!!!

  15. Oh yes I LOVE major stink zones in the warm
    weather. Just drag that stench on out for a mile! Yummy

  16. ick! i hate smelling anything on a run! esp the city sewers during the chicago marathon. that was discusting!

  17. You need to live in the big city where we have sewers and not septic tanks (ha ha! Just taking a swipe at the northwest...)


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