Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sandy Feet!

The hubby and I decided to take a quick little mini vacation to the Oregon coast to meet up with my sis-in-law, Liz, and her fam over the weekend.  I didn't get a run in while I was there, but I sure got some beach walks in!  Of course, since my skin hasn't seen sun in what seems like over a year (the NW is just not getting lucky with nice weather), my feet got a little burned.  Boo.  And the weather down there was mainly overcast too.  We only stayed two nights and left early Sunday morning, there were fathers to visit.

I got to see my entire family Sunday--all the sisters, the brother, the niece and the nephew, and of course my Dad.  It was great!  It's hard to get all of us rounded up for an afternoon (yup, I'm one of six kids), so these kind of days are my favorite. :)  In the evening, Trav and I met up with his mom, dad and grandma for dinner.  It definitely was a packed Sunday, but worth it.
View from the beach house

Monday's run was great!  I ran 3.2 miles at a decent pace and didn't feel the need to walk at all.  It was "kind of" sunny out, and the temperature was perfect for an early evening run.  Ahhhh.  I need more of those!  I've still been on the lookout for baby ducks, but there hasn't been any around this year.  However, I did run into a raccoon that just stared at me.  I just stared back.  It wasn't a big one, so I'm guessing it was younger-ish.

I'm very very VERY excited for this week's festivities!  Running with new & old friends!  Meeting new bloggers!  Running another half marathon while pregnant (holy crap!).  At this point, since my training for this half has been pretty much nonexistent, I'm just going to wing it and have fun.  My longest run since my last half was 6 miles.  HA!  Yeah...we'll see how this goes.


  1. Sounds like a fantastic weekend! I love the beach.

    Looking forward to meeting you!!

  2. Wow that pic is breath taking!!! I'm sorry to hear about ur feetsies!!

  3. good luck with the half marathon! you're an inspiration to those of us who want babies but notsomuch the giving up running for pregnancy part :)

  4. Love the pics. Oregon is so beautiful - most of the time. Wow, 5 siblings. Any other runners in the bunch?

    I just noticed you're doing the Iron Girl. yay. I thought I'd have to do it all by my lonesome.

  5. You're going to have so much fun this weekend, just remember to take it easy and enjoy the views. Take lots of pics, I'm SOOOO jealous of what a huge blogger meet up Seattle has become!

  6. What a view!

    Yeah, just have fun. Wish I was doing the half with you. :(

  7. Good luck in your race!! I totally know what you mean about getting the big 'ole family together, I'm the oldest of six, five girls, one boy!

    I'm going to wait a bit to order my shirt, just to see if I drop any lb's before September...and I think the sports tank may be in order....: )

  8. Wow! what a beautiful place!! Where is it again??

    Sad day when your feet get sunburned! =/

    See you tomorrow!


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