Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Runner Profile: Meet RunnerDude

This is RunnerDude: a Dad, avid marathoner, running mentor & coach, and blogger extraordinaire. He writes an awesome running blog that is read by thousands of runners every day with topics that vary from the perfect runner's food to product reviews, race day hydration tips to giveaways. Here's his story...

1. What is your favorite stretch?
I love doing dynamic stretches before a run like buttkicks and walking knee lifts. Dynamic stretches that mimic the functional movement of running are the best type of stretches to do before a run. Static stretches (the traditional stretch-and-hold type stretches) should be done after the run. Of the static stretches, I really like the spinal twist as well as calf and hamstring stretches. At home when I have a soft surface to lay on, I really like the stretch that the scorpion stretch provides.

2. Do you have any pre-race rituals?
I have to tie and retie my shoes about 10 time. I guess that's more of a nervous habit rather than a ritual. LOL!

3. What motivates you to run?
Staying healthy motivates me to run. I have a chronic illness that I deal with (ulcerative colitis) and my running, working out, good nutrition, and my medication keeps it under control pretty well. It's basically been in remission for about 6 years. But whenever I start to slip in any one area I start to see symptoms. Running also keeps me sane. It's my stress release and my down time.

4. When did you start running and why?
I started running my freshman year in college. Not for school but just for myself. I had never been a very fit kid. I was actually overweight in elementary and middle school. Team sports never interested me. But I ran a 10K my freshman year and I loved how it made me feel. That sense of accomplishment and feeling fit was addictive and I began signing up for more and more local races. In 1997 I decided to run my first marathon. After that successful first marathon, I became more serious about my running and began placing in my age division is local races. I still love to race especially half marathons and full marathons. I still love the competition with myself, always trying to set a new PR.

5. Running shoe of choice?
I been a long-time fan of the Saucony Triumph 6 and I'm also enjoying the Brooks Defyance 2.

6. Best advice received?
The best advice I've received was from Joan Benoit Samuelson (the gold medalist of the first women's Olympic Marathon). I attended a dinner at which she spoke. One thing she said that stuck with me was "Don't pay attention to the mile markers." You can take that literally. You know not look at every mile marker. It makes for a longer run. Or you can take it more metaphorically.....look beyond what's right in front of you, have a bigger picture in mind to strive for. Instead of trying to get to the next mile marker focus on the glory of the finish line.

7. What do you think about when running?
Anything and everything or nothing. Sometimes I'll be thinking about my next article for the blog, or one of my kids, or how scary opening my new fitness business is going to be. And then other times, I think of nothing and simply enjoy the shear beauty of the greenways I frequently run.

8. What is something you cannot run without?
My Amphiod handheld waterbottle on hot days and my running buddies on really long runs.

9. What race distance is your favorite?
Well, I enjoy all distances, but my favorite challenge is the marathon—26.2 miles.

10. Most outrageous running story you've heard or experienced?
Well, I seem to have this thing with nature, I've been attacked by a mocking bird, I've been plowed in the back (twice) by a papa Canadian Goose in flight when I got too close to mama goose, I've been chased by raccoons, tripped by a squirrel, stung in the roof of my mouth by a bee, and crossed paths with a coyote (later discovered to have been rabid), and jumped over a copperhead while trail running. Ahhhh Mother Nature!

11. Anything else you'd like to share?
I'd like to thank all the readers of RunnerDude's Blog. Your reading motivates me more than you can imagine. Your comments keep me on my toes and have taught me a great deal. I feel a strong commitment to my readers and I strive to provide the best and most diverse running, fitness, and nutrition information from which anyone can benefit. Thanks!!!!

Be sure to check out RunnerDude's Blog!

1 comment:

Thanks for visiting! You're a rockstar!


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