Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Early B-Day Gift! Woot!

Last night I discovered something in my garage (and no, it wasn't the giant wolf spider carcass that Travis left for me to find next to my boat) was a giant box...and it said "Treadmill" in BIG bold letters!! YES!!! I've been wanting/needing a treadmill ever since I started running again last year. But since Travis and I had just bought a house, we didn't really have much disposable treadmill income. I definitely made my argument known on why I needed one especially now that it's getting darker earlier and I'm increasing my mileage. Ah yes, all that persuasion paid off! As my little sister, Liza, looked on, I put together my lovely early birthday present!

Oh goodness, let me tell you that putting the treadmill together became a workout in itself. I already had my running clothes on because I was planning on going over to Liz's and using her treadmill since it was rainy/thundering...but that's when Liza and I discovered the lovely giant brown box in the garage! I had already been lifting heavy boxes and cleaning up Diego's Room (aka our guest room that has a "Diego" [Dora the Explorer's Cousin] light switch that the old owners left behind...the name just stuck) for Liza to use instead of the couch. So, I was technically strength training already. Once I got the thing set up, I was too tired to run and my tummy was grumbling. It was nearly 9pm!

On a side note, I love love love putting things together. I mean, Ikea furniture is my FAVORITE! That's why Travis didn't offer to help me set it up, because he knows I love this stuff (and, actually, I'm better at it than he is...he'll agree). Obviously, I was really excited to whip out my tools and make my Friday a put-the-running-machine-together kind of night. :)

And, I present to you, my new Smooth Fitness 5.45! TA DA!!
Today I took it for a test drive and did three sets of 10 minute runs:
1. 10:02 minutes, 4% incline, 1.1 miles
2. 10:00 minutes, 4% incline, 1.1 mile
3. 10:00 minutes, 4% and 12% incline, 1.2 miles

Oh man, I was sweating like no other, even with two fans pointed at me. Of course, I was re-hydrating (see water bottle on sill), but I could've just poured the water on me and it would have ended up the same. Hmm, re-hydration through osmosis? I think I'm onto something! Ha ha. :)

Then, since I'm crazy, I decided to read my magazine while walking on it at the highest 15% incline for 30 minutes. Jell-o legs!
AND THEN...I ran to Liz's house to feed their fish and talk to their parrot = total trip of 4.68 miles. Obsessed much? ;)


Goodnight and have a great weekend!


  1. That is AMAZING that you put that together. I ALWAYS give my hubby those projects.. I hate it..

    Awesome gift!!

  2. OMG! I'm so jealous. And, all I asked for my birthday is shoes! Maybe I'm aiming too low...

  3. So impressive! Great job :-)

    P.S. I love your comment on skinny runner "Duchebaggy husband" is a perfect way to describe Spencer

  4. niiice b-day present! hopefully you don't grow to hate it at any point ;)


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