Saturday, September 19, 2009

Run Wild 8K Recap...yes!

I can't even CONTAIN my excitement and thankfulness and happiness (and all the -nesses out there)! Soooo, I was the FIFTH woman overall! I was in the top 5! EEK! And not only that, but I was #3 in my division!!! YES!!!! Can you tell I'm happy? Naw, didn't think you could.

This morning looked really glum, it was dark and very rainy, but apparently people still wanted to come see Liz and I race! We had quite the little entourage, I felt like a rockstar. ;)
  • People who came: Liz, Liz's husband, their two kids; Liz's parents; my dad and little sister Liza; my BFF Laura and her mom; Scott & Amber; Jaquelene & John! And, of course Travis. :)
So very awesome that they braved the icky fall weather to watch us run. I feel so loved and blessed to have cool friends and family!

My dad made me open my birthday present before the race, and I'm glad he did! He got me this small video camera to record my races and anything that catches my fancy. Yay! Dad told Travis that he had to use the video recorder at the race, so here are some of the videos:
The start of the 8K and 5K races, with some eager cheerleading by family/friends.

Apparently I'm too quick to be captured on video, that and Trav doesn't seem to know what he's doing with the new camera. Oh well, there was me...for a brief second.

Liz finishing her race! She was amazing!!

At the end of the race, I totally sprinted next to this dude that did not want to be passed by a "Skirt"...he ended up beating me, but only very very slightly. Ha ha! At least I snuck up on him from behind. But, either way, it was fun sprinting the finish in the mud!

**CLICK HERE for the race sequence**

I've got my goofy grin on! Definitely happy to be done. ;)

High five, Liz!

After the race was over, we all headed over to my house for some bad-for-you pizza and an ice cream cake. Yummy deliciousness. My dad and Liza still think I'm a princess or something, because every year my cakes look more and more like I'm turning 5. Oh well, it's cute and it was GOOD. Of course, I'm still wearing my tiara and admiring myself in the lovely little mirror as I type. *sigh*

Mileage - 5 miles
Time - 38:20 (PR!!)
Overall - 41 out of 189
Division Place - 3 out of 32 (F20-29)
Sex Place - 5 out of 105
Pace - 7:40


  1. You are so awesome and wonderful!

  2. niiice! name on the main screen! congrats on 5th overall and 3rd ag! love the bday cake, haha.

  3. Congratulations on a great race! And what's that wet stuff all over? We here is Southen California haven't seen that stuff since last winter!

  4. That is AWESOME! Happy birthday and WAY TO GO!

  5. ZOE!!!!!!!!!!! That is so great!!! Congrats on keeping such a fast pace and running so well! :) Happy Birthday and what a great present! :)

  6. Bless my heart a local runner and Blogger!!! YIPPEE!!

    This race was a fun one. I took second overall for the 5K... not sure how I would have done in the 8K. I plan to do it next year. Was hubby's first race.

    Very excited to meet a local. I am still debating on if I will run Seattle.


Thanks for visiting! You're a rockstar!


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