Thursday, March 18, 2010

What a Week

Where in the world have I been?  Well, not running, that's what.  Quite frankly because I'm super house got broken into on Tuesday and a bunch of stuff was taken (and somethings, like ALL of my digital pictures from 2005 til now and my Grandma's jewelry box cannot be replaced).  :(  I'm a sad bunny.  It's so weird.  It's such an awful feeling that a stranger violated your personal space and touched all of your things.  Of course, my constant running companion, Gus, was among the list of stuff M.I.A.
My GUS! :(
I'm furious. And of course I'd love to take my frustration out on a run, but we've been nonstop busy since the burglary. ERGH.

All I can say is I'm just glad my Murphy cat didn't run out the open back door or get hurt by the intruders.  I don't even want to go there...

Well, this Sunday is the Mercer Half with some wonderful blogging running buddies!  I'm looking forward to some laughs and fun.  In the meantime, I'll catch up with my blog reading when I can get a chance.


  1. Oh Zoe I am soooo Sad for you!! Hang in there..

  2. im so sorry zoe! that truly is a bummer. i hope they catch the thievef/thieves.

  3. Oh no!! I'm so sorry that happened! I couldn't even imagine.

  4. Oh no, Zoe, I'm so sorry!!! :(

    Bunch of ^%^&$*#9 !! I hope they catch them, and I hope it's not too much of a headache replacing your things. But super sad about the irreplaceables. :(

  5. I'm sorry - that really stinks. I don't think I ever want to live in a big town. I enjoy living in a small town where I don't even have keys to our house!

  6. That really sucks Zoë and I feel for you. Hope you'll get things settled quickly. Hang in there!

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about that. That sucks big-time. Hang in there.

  8. awe! That stinks! I'm sorry for your loss...

  9. Oh Zoe, I am so sorry - having your home broken in to is one of the worst feelings in the world.

  10. Oh my gosh! People are just stupid. Seriously, what puts that idea in someone's head that it'd be a good idea? I'm so sorry and I hope you can at least replace the things that can be replaced :(

  11. Oh Zoe! That is terrible! I am so sorry to hear that! I will keep my fingers crossed that the crooks get caught. I can't imagine what you must be feeling, that must be so hard and you both must feel so vulnerable. My thoughts and prayers are with you! xoxo

  12. Aww!! Sorry to hear about this! This really sucks. Get a good run and get rid of all though frustrations

  13. Not Gus too! This is terrible. Greta is extremely upset right now.

  14. I'm so sorry that happened to you. :-( It is an awful feeling to be violated that way! The only good thing that comes from a burglary is having more appreciation for your belongings. Cheer up pretty lady!

  15. ohhhh bummerr I am sorry I hope they catch up with those rotten folks!!! I hope your week turns around for you!

  16. Zoe! Oh my gosh. Please let me know if you need any help. I'm so close by. I can't imagine how you feel, but let me know if I can do something for you. :(

  17. ((hugs)) keep your head up. hopefully those crooks will get caught!!

  18. Oh no! I am sorry that happened to you. I hope they nab those burglars and you get your things back.

  19. man, that sucks so bad!!! cant believe they got gus too, what the heck would scum bag low lifes need with a garmin anyway.

  20. So sorry to hear about the break in. I hope they find whoever did it. :(

  21. Oh Zoe I'm so sorry! That's awful. What a complete bummer.

  22. Oh no :( What a strange burglar(s) that they would steal Gus, definitely wouldn't be on the top of my list. I hope the police are super helpful and they can find your stuff.

  23. I'm sorry for your losses, Zoë. As someone who has had four cars broken into and one car outright stolen, I know what you mean about being violated.

    Hope you can get some of your stuff back, but i don't blame you for being sad and upset.

  24. That sucks I hope they get them!

  25. I can't believe that...I am so, so sorry. Having somone invade your your space is worse than losing your's such a bad feeling.

    I am so sorry that you have to deal with that. I'm glad that I will get to meet you on Sunday and we will LAUGH so it will be a fun ending to a really rough week.

  26. You poor thing!
    Our home was broken into about 5 years ago and it sucks! They stole my camera which was full of pics of LM's first haircut and other really great stuff.

    I hope they catch the jackass.

  27. OMG AWFUL!!!! so sad and scary!!! wow. i had someone break into my bedroom once when i was in high school. it's VERY creepy to know a stranger was in your house! ugh, sorry :-(

  28. this is the suckiest, crappiest thing ever.

    damn those fools to hell for pulling this shit on you guys Zoe. phuck.

  29. oh no! so sorry Zoe. Hope things turn around!

  30. So sorry to hear about the break in, Zoe! I can't even imagine what a stressful week you have had! I hope you are able to get some rest before sunday!
    I hope I get a chance to meet you on Sunday!

  31. how awful! sending you happy vibes and hoping they catch the thieves!

  32. Oh I am so sorry to read awful!

  33. That's terrible! Sucks that you had to experience this kind of nonsense. Hope life gets back to normal for you quickly.

  34. How awful. You must feel so violated.

  35. I am SO sorry this happened to y'all! So glad Murphy is safe though. Hope you have a great race this weekend to run out some of the frustration from this week!

  36. How terrible! I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

  37. What a bummer. I can understand fencing the jewelry and electronics to support a drug habit, but what would they do with a bunch of digital pictures?

    What a bunch of cretins. Karma baby. Eventually it will come back to bit them.

  38. So sorry to hear about that! So glad that everyone is safe, though. Hang in there. Good luck this weekend!

  39. That is terrible!! Hang in and I hope it works out ok...

  40. Oh no!!! I am so sorry! Why in the world would someone want to take your digital pictures?! I am so sad for you!

    Poor Gus too :(

    Good luck on the Mercer Half!

  41. Zoe...that is just horrible!!! Do they have any idea who did it???

    Hang in there...and make some time for yourself to get out there and sounds like you need it!

  42. At least you were not hurt, but that still is unfortunate. I am glad that your safety was not compromised. At the same time, I hope bad karma on the people who did that. Have fun at Mercer half. I am sure that will cheer you up some. Take care.

  43. Oh no Zoe! I'm so sorry, that must be so violating :( At least you were not hurt in this and Murphy is okay. It is so disgusting that people could do that....

    I was hoping my Garmin could meet Gus on Sunday. I'm looking forward to seeing you though! :)

  44. I'm so sorry some mofo took all your goods. How rude! Not not cool... and really who steals all those things? seriously thats so awful! if there is anything i can do, let me know! xoxoxoxo

  45. So sorry to hear about your loss. I too hope that they can catch the theives!

  46. meanies!! I was burgalized years ago and it was horrible. Mean people are awful. Karma will catch up to them.

  47. Oh, stop by and sign up for my giveaway....


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