Monday, March 15, 2010

My Dad

I have the tightest hold on my Dad in my life since losing my Mum ten years ago.  Everything scares me and my biggest fear is losing him.  He suffers from diabetes and it's slowly taking over (of course, much to my dismay, this is what both my grandparents suffered from in their last years).  The thing is, my Dad talks about dying.  He has things that he wants us children to do for him at his funeral and he's liberal with discussing it (as in, he gave all of us six kids his will on Christmas day in 2008).  However, my Dad is one of the most generous and upbeat individuals you could ever meet.  He's trusting and extremely loyal and is always there if you need anything.  I mean anything.  He gives the postman and garbage truck driver Holiday gifts each year.  He puts on the most fantastic July 4th fireworks display the Ballard community has ever seen (and he's nearly burnt down our house in the process...funny/scary story actually).  He loves his prized Harley.  Most importantly he loves his family very much.  Money doesn't mean anything to him when it comes to his kids and grandkids.  It's as if it does grow on trees. 
Sometimes, I wish it were true. 

Even though we don't see eye-to-eye all the time, you're still my Dad, and I wouldn't trade you for the world.
You taught me how to smile, old man.


  1. you guys are cute cute cute!! Your smiles are radiant and dads are the best!!

  2. my dad has n/h lymphoma and last year during (another round of) chemo he got really sick. I think for the first time it occurred to him that he might die of this cancer, instead of live with it, as he had planned. It was horrifying for me, when at 5am as we drove in to the Shamrock Half Marathon he says to me, "hey, if anything unexpected happens this week or next, can you sell XYZ stocks? I've listed you as able to do that on the account in the event of my death." WHAT? Really?

    I think, on a small level, I can relate to what you're saying. Why do they have to TALK so freely about dying? Maybe it's to make themselves feel better prepared, but it sure kicks me in the gut everytime.

  3. Beautiful. :0) I lost my dad when I was 15. He was my best friend. I LOVE to see people who value their fathers. Luckily I have a stepdad who is amazing and has a special place in my heart as well. Time is our most precious gift.

  4. Great dad too had diabetes and it is taking a real toll on him right now..It is hard on all of us but we are just trying to get through it day by day.

  5. Well I wasn't expecting to cry first thing this morning! What a special tribute and if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go call my Dad...

  6. Hope your dad is okay. My FIL has diabetes, but lately has been able to get it under control. :/ Not easy to deal with though.

  7. I hope everything is OK.

    My mom is the same way, especially since my Dad passed. She's had a variety of very serious illnesses (the most current is shaping up to be the worst), and she is constantly making comments about "when she dies ..." I have received more copies of her will than I can count. She does not see the creep factor in it ...


  8. Aww, what a sweet tribute to your Dad!

  9. Aw, that is really sweet, Zoe! And what a great picture of the two of you.

  10. Great post. I worry about my Dad too.

    You guys have an identical smile!

  11. Daddies really are the best thing ever. My hubs work away during the week and when they wake up they ask about him. (where is he and if he'll be home that night) Tehy run to the door to see him when he comes home.

    I love my Daddy too. Its not always an easy relationship but I do cherish it.

  12. Hope everything is okay with your Dad! Very touching Mom also has type 2 diabetes, and it has taken awhile to get it in check. Its really difficult to hear her talk about it sometimes.

    Love both of your smiles in the picture :)

  13. You are doing the right thing, living every moment with him to the fullest. The circle of life is scary and amazing at the same time, but you are a strong woman, Zoe! Keep smiling, after all he taught you how to smile!
    I wish your whole family years of smiles and happiness! Beautiful post.

  14. Aww! Dad's are the best! I'm glad you're blessed with a great one. :)

  15. This is so cool that you are having these types of times with your Dad. All too often we wait until it's too late....

  16. I applaud your Dad for being willing to share with his children his final wishes. It can be a difficult discussion. My father died 5 years ago. My sister's were not always able to hear what Daddy needed to tell us. I am glad you sound like you are giving your Dad the chance to say the things he needs to. That final day will come to us all and how better to greet it than with nothing left unsaid. Hug your Dad for me! Enjoy him everyday!

  17. aww your dad sounds like a great man! :)

  18. Hugs Zoe!! Hey did you want to carpool with me and Jill this weekend?

  19. Nice shout-out Zoe! I pray everyday that he lives a really really really long life. Hopefully god is listening. xoxo

  20. What a great, great guy! You are a very lucky girl to have him for a dad.

  21. Very nice. My dad died when I was fairly young and it still breaks my heart. Enjoy him lots!!!

  22. Ah! So touching. What an amazing Dad you have. He's lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. Warm fuzzies. :)

    Thinking of you guys. Hope all is well.

  23. What a wonderful tribute to your dad!! You're very lucky to have him, as he is you :) Hugs.

  24. This is one of the best blog entries I've seen in a long time. You don't often see dads celebrated. I, too, cling tight to my father. I'm an only child and even at the age of 25, he's my very best friend. Dad is 66 and I can't imagine my life without him. You have to live each day with aspirations to have no regrets in the future. And always let the words "I love you" flow freely. God bless Dads. :)

  25. what a sweet post, he sounds like a great person, and Dad!

  26. Great post!! My Dad is awesome too & I worry about him when he goes hunting/hiking in the hills now, he just turned 70. Great pic, you look like you have a lot of fun together :)

  27. He looks so happy and he's very lucky to have you.


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