Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mercer Half is tomorrow? Oh yeah...

Oh boy.  I can honestly say that I'm a little nervous for this half.  Simply because of everything that has been going on as of late, and the fact that I haven't run a long run in two weeks. :(  Any other week and I would be golden for a half, I mean, it's no big deal.  But still. I'm nervous!  I'll be running it with Kerrie and my goal is to help her PR.  My feet have been ok lately, hip still pops, but I'm still going to take it easy and not race. It's for the best.

In the meantime, I'm off to get a replacement Garmin, computer, camera, vacuum, and printer.

I AM excited to see my girls tomorrow though!  It's been WEEKS since I've seen Mel, Amanda and Kerrie...and I get to meet Jill and Cassidy...AND finally meet up with Sarah at a race. :)  It should be fun.  


  1. What are you going to name your new Garmin?

  2. Good luck! Hopefully running it can take your mind off things, for a little bit anyways!

  3. You're gonna do great! And new equipment is always so exciting!

  4. Good luck! Hope everything will go well.

  5. Good luck! Don't are going to do fine. :)

  6. Good luck with the half! I can't believe someone would steal a vacuum!

  7. They took your vacuum? WTF? Get a Roomba. Best invention ever...besides the wheel, I guess.

    Packets are picked up. Now I just need to figure out what the heck I'm gonna wear.

  8. My garmins name is juanito the garmito! he was born on cinco de mayo! hense his name! your g needs a birthday and festive name too! i will think of some.....


  9. Your gonna do great tomorrow!! That is awesome you are going to help Kerrie get a PR!!

    I am so sad about your garmin, among your other belongings....youneed a good girls-run-far-because-they-are-crazy day! See you tomorrow!!

  10. 1) have a great time not racing tomorrow. My not race is in a week.

    2) Kerrie T and I are like minded about the Roomba. Greatest thing since sliced bread AND the wheel...

  11. Good luck! can't wait to hear about it :)

  12. Good luck on your run tomorrow and I hope you are able to get your friend's PR tomorrow! :)

  13. Hope you have a great race! Just think of missing those long runs as tapering - good luck!

  14. You are all going to have such a great time! I will be eager to read all about it from everyone!

    Run strong and safe.

  15. Hope today is a blast! Looking forward to the recap :)

  16. I hope you ladies had a great race!

    Also hope the replacement shopping is going well.

  17. I hope your race went well! Seriously so sorry your place got broken in to. I would be a whirlwind of emotions. :(

  18. I'm sure you will do GREAT!! (err, did great)


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