Sunday, March 14, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Dash Recap

Woah woah woah.  Where in the world did this race performance come from?  Geez!  I went into today's race just looking to enjoy myself and take it easy.  Well, I did just that...but then...I also PR'd from last year.  WHAT???  I can only imagine how I would've done if I actually raced this thing today!  My time last year (same course, but snowing) was 34:17...this year, a 2 minute PR of 32:06.  EEK!  Then again, today's weather was absolutely cooperating with the race and it was so gorgeous out.  But with my feet/hip being wicked mean to me, I wasn't going in with high expectations.  Turns out, I felt great!  No pain!  In fact, I felt amazing, and I think it was all because I just needed to run in a race (it's been 3 months since my last one!).  Ahhh yes.  It was splendid.

Some nice dude wearing a funny outfit offered to take my photo.  Rockin' the dailymile tech tee!  A woman actually commented to her friend as I walked passed them before the start: "Look! Dailymile!"  It was cute. ;)

Travis and I nearly missed the start of my wave (the first) because the traffic coming off the freeway was horrendous.  He dropped me off a couple blocks away from the start and I jogged my way to the crowd.  It was quite the nice little warm-up too.  Oh, and when I say crowd, it was just that and more...I could barely maneuver to get into the street for the start and kind of mini-panicked with a little claustrophobia induced attack.  Wow.  Not somewhere I wanted to stay.  But when the horn sounded and we crossed the timing mats, it was a free-for-all...but this time, I didn't care.  I wasn't racing.  I wasn't jockeying for the best position or figuring out my next move.  I was just smiling, listening to my tunes and just enjoying the ride. :)  The whole time I was smiling and  saying to myself: THIS is why I run.  I love races. It's so much fun!

Races like this 3.7 miler (or 3.87 per trusty Gus) are even better for people watching.  There were the usual green wigs and socks, but there were also three men wearing just green "tighty whiteys" and Sharpied backs that read "For a good time call 206-XXX-XXXX" and "Gay and proud!" and "I'm easy."  There was also the usual Masters runner who dresses up like the devil--complete with red face paint & pitchfork--and totally kicks ass in the race.  Two super buffed up non-runner looking dudes were wearing these horrible green patterned boxers, bow ties and big hats...nothing else...and the ladies passing on the other side of the out-and-back course were squealing and high fiving them along the way.  I made sure to beat them to the finish.  Mission accomplished.  OOOO!  And there was this KID who looked no older than 10 just keeping up with the elites.  Looked him up, sure enough he IS 10 and he came in 68th overall (7,800 runners!!).  WOW.  That is so awesome. :)

Anyway, I kept a steady pace the first half (all at a steady incline), which meant the second half was downhill...and I couldn't help myself but run fast.  (I know, I know)
My splits are funny:
Mile 1 - 9:10
Mile 2 - 8:39
Mile 3 - 7:46
Mile .87 - 6:31 (7:28 pace) 

To my luck, Travis actually caught me at the finish!  Coordinating my dailymile tee with my Nike Lunars. And of course, I have to wear my hair ribbon. Such a girl...


Final Stats:
Mileage - 3.7
Time - 32:06
Overall - 1210 out of  7,823
Division Place - 57 out of 796 (F26-29)
Sex Place - 278 out of 4318
Pace - 8:27

Per Gus: 3.87 miles for an 8:17 pace.  Gus is always right...
Post race happy face!

 Mt. Rainier on the way home...beautiful.


  1. Wow. Great job, lady!!! I love PR's! You look like you were having a great time!!

  2. You make me smile. I'm so proud of you.

    PS. When are we going to get you a technical-t?

  3. Congrats Zoe! Nothing like a PR without even going for it! HellO!

    You look great in your matching outfit. Sounds like some fun costumes out there too!

  4. great job Zoe I love all the crazy people in their outfits, it keeps my mind busy thinking "man the have got guts to where something like that!" and before I know it I have been looking at people so long the race is over!! ha Great job on the PR too

  5. Gotta love course PR's! So jealous everyone got some green/St. Patty's day races this weekend! So fun! :)

  6. Awesome shirt. Dailymile should give you some free shirts so you can wear them during races.

    And now you get to prepare for another race. Can't beat that.

  7. Awesome job Zoe! You look great in those pictures. Always making running look so easy!

  8. Congrats! Looks like we ran the same race yesterday!

  9. You rocked it, Zoe! Congrats on the PR! Great shots by Trav at the end!

  10. CONGRATS Zoe!! Did you color your hair?? Looks different. Way to rock it out. Love your outfit.

  11. Great pics!!! I have never run in a big race...looks like fun!! What shoes are you wearing?? Love how bright they are. :)

  12. go girl! Looks like you had a blast! And I friended you on Dailymile! I just joined this week. I love enjoying a race. They really are so fun.

  13. I love race recaps! What a great race. That looks like a good time. I am completely jealous because I have not been able to race for awhile. Lack of money being a college kid that just bought a roadbike. :(

  14. Looks like you had a ton of fun! Makes me want to enter races in Seattle in the future!

  15. Great job!! Glad you felt amazing~ now on to Mercer!!

  16. Dang, we must have JUST missed each other! Great job on not trying for the PR! It must be a great feeling :)

    We need to meet up at one of these races!

  17. Love when that happens. Just out there running and all of a sudden you notice you're speeding along. Awesome!

  18. Congrats on getting a PR!
    You looked awesome coordinating your outfit! :)
    What sunglasses do you have on?

  19. Great job! I'm so happy to hear the body cooperated! Love your pretty post-race happy face!

  20. Great race! Glad you felt good the whole time. Love the pictures and the outfit.

  21. Great job on the race! maybe you should run for run every time!

  22. Way to go Zoe!!! :) Amazing amazing job!

  23. You look so cute and I LOVE that you had such a great time at the race - that is what it's all about...races are so much fun!

  24. goodness Zoe you rocked it!

    PS I have this kinda crazy idea of running the Seattle Half Marathon...

  25. WAY TO GO!!!

    You are looking tooo freaking cute too by the way!

    Love the visual of the other runners.

  26. WAY TO GO!!!

    You are looking tooo freaking cute too by the way!

    Love the visual of the other runners.

  27. congrats on the pr!! (and you weren't "really racing" at that) loved hearing about the sights at this race.

  28. Tht is such a cool feeling to just go out with the goal of having fun and PR! I *almost* did that once. Ran a 10K with just a goal to have fun. I didn't push hard or anything and missed a PR by 0.06 seconds!!!!

    Wayto go Zoe! Great race and congrats on the 2 minute (HUGE!!) PR!

  29. I love ST Pat's races you see the best costumes!! Looks like a fabu day for you

  30. nice post! I just run last sunday (for 16k) and happy to see my new PR, you also look good on ur running gear! lookinf forward to your future post!


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