Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rainy Run & a Scary Nekkid Semi

Tonight's run went fairly well.  I succeeded in slowing down my pace and my feet were not acting up too much.  Perhaps it's about time to get some more cortisone shots?  We'll see.  It rained the whole time, but I was too busy trying to slow down to notice.  My first official race of the year is Sunday...and unfortunately I'm just going to run it, not race it.  No PR this time around.  It's more important to stay injury-free than throw it all away on a little St. Patty's day dash. I'll still wear my green! :)

Update on the Nekkid Semi spotting challenge:
WOW, you guys.  Only one picture was sent to me, and it's from Neil.  Be careful, this is a SCARY one!

 AAAAAA!  It has a face!!

My hope was to get one from every state in the US...but Neil is from Canada...ah hell, I failed. 


  1. Good luck and have fun on your race!

  2. Good for you for training smart! Slowing down is not easy and it takes a lot of will. I thought about you and your nekid semis on my runs, but there aren't any where I run. Then again, there aren't any vehicles on trails ;)

  3. Dang, I missed that original post. I'll have to snap away. I see them a lot. They lurk in SoCal... shhh... one lives down the street...

  4. Mak yippee!!

    Lol..I see Nekkid semis everywhere and always think of my little Zoe..

    Good luck in your run/race.

  5. Haha... Would you be more or less dissapointed if no one sent in a picture...? or if a non canadian sent a picture in of 'not their sons toy truck'...LOL I am proud to have my 2 1/2 yo's truck repped on your blog though... if he cared he would be proud too. I am going to show him your blog tomorrow, maybe I'll video and post his reaction...

  6. Oh, yeah and my first race is Saturday, and it's put on by the store I was just banned from. I'm going to go disguised I think... (Hey, I paid my entry)...;o) Good luck on yours, run smart!

  7. Love that semi! I can't imagine having to try to slow down! Smart of you though to run and not race.That is a hard thing to do.

  8. Have fun with the race! I'm sure you'll look super cute in green (because we all know looking good is half the battle). I never see Nekkid Semi's but I swear when I do, out comes the camera!

  9. awe, I can relate to that "run but not race" feeling. I have one of those coming up and I'm having a hard time mustering up any excitement.

    Do you have a cute clover/truese green skirt... ? Love my Clover Green. Hope you have a good time running the race!

  10. I have a picture in the works, but our trucker neighbor has not been home. He only comes home with a nekkid semi.

  11. Have fun at the St. Patty's race... take it easy, girl!

  12. Seems like I never see nekkid semis in Utah, only ones that are fully clothed. Dang modest trucks...

    Sounds like your first race will be the perfect opportunity to remember what it felt like to just run for running's sake not speed. Could be really fun just dressing up and skipping through the course!

    By the way, super cute shamrock knee highs at Target right now!

  13. I actually saw two the other day driving down the interstate (the trail I was running on was kind of next to the interstate). No camera though. I did think of you. :)

  14. haha! Lovin the semi :-D Have fun in the St Pattys day dash.

  15. I figured you'd get lots of pics. I'm sure I've got one (from my old job). Be on the lookout for it!

    Good luck on Sunday! I was thinking about you when they were talking about the race on the radio yesterday.

  16. Have fun on your race!! :)

    Love the mini semi! So cute!

  17. That is one creepy nekkid semi!!!

    Good luck this weekend. So wise to run safe and sound and injury free!

  18. I missed the original post about wanting pics...I will get one for you from Virginia! I sit in horrible traffic every morning and the SAME WHITE NEKKID SEMI always creeps beside me! I think of you every time now. So I will you a snap!

  19. I snapped one for you while I was out running this morning. BUT, I must have moved my hand before I captured Nekkid red-handed. I got a shot of cracked asphalt instead. I will get another one for you soon.

  20. Probably a really good thing to remember which races you want to RACE, and which ones you can just... run. Smart girl, don't throw it away on a little fun dash through the streets.

  21. Just make it a fun race without regard to time! So much more important to keep those injuries away!

  22. that cracked me up, I've got a zillion of those Cars cars strewn around my feet as I speak! Well, type.

    And Thank You for your comment on my last post, life sure can be crazy sometimes.


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