Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Challenge YOU spot nekkid semi trucks on your runs, snap a pic and send those babies to me!
I'm completely serious. :)  By poking fun of this little fear I have, the easier it is to get over...and it sure helps to call them nekkid semis.  Be creative and have fun with it!
Send 'em my way: zoe @ runzoerun .com


  1. are you scared of the stranger danger? me too. i get really paranoid of lonesome cars parked randomly and then they start paranoid.

    we never get semis resting near my running trail. sorry.

  2. Ha. I live in the country and my fiance owns one of those. But it's not nekkid right has a cattle trailer attached. Does that count? Do I sound a little redneck?

  3. Now I get it... tractors without the trailors. I thought Nekkid was a company.

    BTW: Check out my blog for a cool giveaway!

  4. I HATE semi trucks!! gahhhhhhh

  5. that's funny. It might work for me since I live near a brewery!

  6. No semis near me in rural Vermont but if I see one I will be sure to take a picture.

  7. Are you afraid bad men are in the trucks?

    I don't see a lot of semis but I'll try to pay attention.

  8. creeeeperrrrsss....I will look for some! ha!

  9. Haha, I actually saw a few nekkid ones, one while riding the Ducks around Seattle and another nekkid one near Pyramid Brewery. I actually thought of you when I saw them. Ill snap a picture next time!!

  10. Hmmmm...doubt there are too many in the ritzy land I am in.. But I will keep an eye out..

  11. would it make you better if you knew they were actually called "Bob Tail" when they're w/o a trailer?

    But if I see a Nekkid one, I'll name it appropriately in honor of you.

  12. Aha, funny. I'll keep my eyes peeled for ya.

  13. BWHAHAHA--I love this idea! I haven't seen any lately, but, I'll keep my eyes peeled for ya!

  14. HAHAHA! I am a truck driver! I am scared of trucks too. More so the drivers inside of them. I drive a day cab, so not as big. I prefer to be hauling a trailer though at all times. And I stay out of neighborhoods. Ever watched JoyRide? lol Ever stopped at a truck stop and seen the circus? I am glad I am a local driver home everyday. Yahooooo!

  15. Since I usually run in neighborhoods or the park I'm not sure how many "nekkid" semis I'll see, but for you I'll be on the lookout! Love the challenge!

  16. I'm out of town today and decided to run near the hotel and saw one. LOL!! Too camera.

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