Monday, September 13, 2010

Iron Girl 5K Recap

This was one of my favorite races last year, and I was pumped to run it again...but then I got preggers.  So, I was intending on jogging the course with my little sister Liza, but then she had her appendix removed the day before.  Looks like I'm on my own on this one!

I recruited Travis to go with me, but he was not in the best mood to wake up at 7am on a Sunday.  Oh great.  We got to Greenlake and I jumped out the car and headed for the packet pick-up.  I decided that Liza deserved her shirt and bib number too, and picked up both of ours.  AND, I actually had my choice of shirt sizes this year!
Goober's 7th race

Since I thought Travis was going to meet me at the start to take my bag, I was frustrated to find out that he parked a mile away and did not want to meet me.  Grrrrrrrr.  Luckily this year they had a bag check.  So, in my hurry to check my bag and get my race bib on, I totally forgot to put Gus on my wrist.  I felt so naked!  Poor Gus.  This was a first. :(

Because of my ligament issue, I intended on walking the course.  HAHAHAHAHA!  Riiiiight, Zoe.  As soon as the Aflac Duck signaled the start, I was jogging along.  Sure, it wasn't the greatest feeling, but I was determined not to walk the entire way.  My competitive side came out.  But, I was taking it very easy and walked when I felt like I needed to.  All in all, I did a decent job jogging and walking.  It was really fun seeing all the Mother/Daughter teams running together, some in matching gear.  A part of me was thinking "Hey! I'm actually running with my daughter too!" :)

Trav actually met me at the finish and saw my "kick" at the end.  He asked "What was that??" because he thought I was walking.  "I couldn't WALK to the finish line." Duh.

While waiting to pick up my bag from gear check, I met Emily from Travel With Emily!  It was so cool to meet another local blogger/runner.  Big shout out to Miss Emily!  Woot! :)

Final Stats:
Mileage - 3.1
Time - 39:02
Overall - 740 out of  1369
Division Place - 133 out of 220 (F25-29)
Sex Place - 740 out of 1369 (no men)
Pace - 12:35

Don't forget to enter the plane ticket raffle/giveaway!  
As of today, I'm the only one who has donated to the MISS Foundation...and I can't even use the plane tickets!

Like my Baby Runner on Board Tank top? You can purchase it HERE.


  1. You look all cute in the pink and black combo. Well done!

  2. Look at you with your pretty mommy belly! Glad you got to do the Mom/Daughter run - sort of! :)

    I had my first bag/packet-before-race-issue when Hubs wasn't there. Not fun. Totally frustrating. :(

  3. nice job! you look great in the picture!!

  4. Darn that competitive side... =) Great job!!!

  5. Looking forward to running/jogging with you and Goob at YGG!

  6. Thanks for the shout out! It was great to meet you! :) Maybe we'll see each other at another event.

  7. Woo hoo! Impressive this far into your pregnancy!

  8. awwww so cute!!!

    great job on the race sweets! walking or not you finished while pregnant and thats AMAZING!!!

  9. You are so cute in your running outfit, and the kick just completes the picture...nice job! : )

  10. Loooooove the outfit!!!

    Way to go on the run!!!

  11. Your bib number was almost 1234 which would have been awesome.

  12. Good race recap and I like your outfit, it's cute. Congratulation!!! You did a good run there.

  13. Wow! Cool you are into running. I had a good run like you when I was in your situation. rock hard abs

  14. wow. that is just awesome!!! Great job!

  15. You look so cute and I LOVE the baby bump! Good for you for still running. Keep it up!


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