Monday, August 2, 2010

Reviews, Giveaways and some...walking?

I'm still around.  Pretty busy with work, summer events, thinking about this Goober kid, and trying to get the house in order.

I have some reviews and giveaways lined up, and I'll be working on them ASAP.  Some are MONTHS overdue, and I apologize to the lovely people that sent me stuff to try out!

Lastly, running doesn't like me at the moment.  Well, my body doesn't like running at the moment is more like it.  I may have pulled or torn that groin ligament because after every run I can barely walk and it feels terrible.  So, I'm walking instead and looking for a good time to swim at the local pool.  I've just hit a rough patch with running, and I have to listen to what my body says because ultimately, it's all about Miss Goober right now.  Speaking of Miss Goober, she's quite the little strong one already...and I think she may end up running faster than me. ;)  26 weeks tomorrow!  Wow, how time is going so quickly!

By the way, Murphy already loves his little sister, Goober...


  1. Take it easy. Ms. Goober rules right now. :)

  2. So it's a MISS Goober? So exciting! You are wise to listen to your body. Glad time is flying for you!

  3. I have been doing mostly walking and some swimming myself - due to a knee injury. Just keep moving!

  4. Walking sounds like a good idea for the time-being. I hope you get to fit in some swimming too! Keep taking care of yourself, girl!

  5. I would imagine a torn groin going into labor/delivery would be a bad it up and listen to your body!! Hope you start feelin' better!

  6. aww, must have missed the post where you annouced it's a girl. yay! congrats

  7. funny how the body is ok with running one week and not so much the next.

  8. Yep, good call. You dont want that ligiment giving you problems in 14 weeks when you are, well...getting Miss Goober out into the world!

    And was there any dowbt that Miss Goober would be fast?!

  9. That picture with your cat is so cute! :) Take it easy with Miss Goober; there will lots of running for you after she is born! :) And then you'll have a reason to buy one of those cool jogging strollers!

  10. ahhh that sound painful! You should get a massage! I love your lil belly, too cute!

  11. Aw, take care of you and Miss Goober. Running will always be there, but, you won't always be growing a sweet little future runner in there. Take it easy and enjoy this time.

  12. boo for the groin/pulled thingy :( at least you have a great excuse with the goober to take it easy!


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