Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Worst Running Fear Came True...kinda

Well, that's a little overdramatic.  Okay, it's waaay dramatic...but this is close to the worst fear of the moment...

NONE of my Running Skirts fit me anymore!!  Nooooooooo!  Why???  They are the only thing that is comfortable enough to workout in, and now my big prego butt is too massive for the skirts I have.  I'm really bummed (haha, pun intended!).

I know I have a couple months left, but I need to find a solution quick.  Travis' basketball shorts are looking more appealing.  Ugh.


  1. I think we need photographic evidence. I'm sure you look adorable.

  2. I swear, it's awful, TMB!
    My butt crack shows and the liner looks like I tried to put XS panties on large Christmas ham...

    And putting the skirt on or taking it off is a challenge...kind of like putting on a wet swimsuit. A lot of wiggling/jumping/bending involved.

  3. I think we all need to start a Running Skirt fund to get you one that will work through the rest of your pregnancy. A way better investment than normal maternity/workout clothes.

    BTW, I think you are one of the cutest pregnant girls I've known.

  4. I'm with stacie, I would be willing to donate 62 cents. If your still short of your goal maaaaaaybe I can bump it up to 84! Hope that helps!

  5. For a moment there I got a little scared by the title of this post! *Whew* Glad it's nothing to serious. :) The pic is hilarious! Good luck on your search for comfortable running gear for preggo momma's!

  6. I have some very old shorts that are pretty roomy. I can pass them along your way :)

    And yes, I agree with TMB. While the cartoon painted a good mental picture, some photos would be superb.

  7. I love the illustration. I'm sure its not as bad as you think but hey maybe it means its time to invest in some maternity running skirts

  8. LOL. i was thinking this was going to have something to do with those "nekkid" semi's! not fitting in clothes does suck. at least you have the prego excuse... i'm just fat!

  9. awww i am so sorry!! soon you will have a little goober to play dress up with too!!!!

  10. You only have a few weeks left right? This is getting excitng!

  11. haha your drawing is too cute! but I am sorry your skirts don't currently fit :(

  12. Aw, I bet you still look fab! But, I do love your little drawing! Ha!

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