Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some Tidbits

I'm back with a vengeance!  Well, not quite yet, but trying to.  I made some rounds on the bloglist and I must say that I'm so behind on what's going on with everyone!  (I really did miss you all).

Just wanted to say that I really wish I was in Boston this past weekend...it would've been a blast to cheer on some amazing runners!  Of course I'm extremely jealous of those fellow bloggers that ran and/or spectated the events.  You are awesome!  That'll be me someday...

Speaking of Boston, I miss Massachusetts.  Hopefully going to go there in July with my sisters for some family time (that's right, Coach Fish, we're still coming to the Cape!).  There's this local race that was my first ever when I was 11, and I want to run/jog/walk it this year too.  It's been 11 years since I ran it last! 

That's it for now. Off to conquer some treadmill miles.


  1. Dude! Totally let me know when you go to MA. We almost always go up to RI in July to visit the hubby's family. If we are up there I would totally come meet up with you!

  2. I missed telling you CONGRATS the day you posted, but I've been thinking of you ever since I read of your great news! So happy for you!

    Have a great rest of your week!

  3. I think we are have Boston-envy.

    Enjoy those miles...treadmill or not! It's nice to get a little run on!

  4. I grew up in Massachusetts. I love it there! I am a midwesterner now but I think I'll always been a New Englander! :) Have you ever been to the Big E???? in West Springfield Mass?

  5. what part of the Cape? I am from Mattapoisett, 2 towns away from the Cape. It's so beautiful! come visit

  6. first congrats on your news, I think you'll be able to show everyone how much fun you can still having running while preggers and coming back strong!

  7. Glad your back!! hope your run went well!!

  8. just checking in..hope youre doing well!


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