Monday, April 5, 2010


Well hello there!  Remember me?  (I hope so!).  Life has gotten in the way of my running/blogging duties.  This new job is really fun, but there's a lot I must figure out how to do, and then there's the stress from the break-in last month...which caused a TMJ issue to flare up again.  So, that means I'm in constant pain. 24/7.  No pain free breaks whatsoever.  How have I been dealing with it?  Some drugs (no no, not that kind), a lot of sleep, no cold foods, some crying, and some crazy facial exercises.  I tell you.  TMJD is a BEEEYOTCH.  At times I just want someone to punch me in the face to make it feel better.  But I'm working on calming those urges...

I tell you though, my foot is feeling a million times better with this little break in running.  I think I might've needed it. :-/

But I'm so far behind on blogs!  I must get to reading!


  1. oh zoe....I am sorry you are not feeling well...I hope it gets better soon I have missed your stories of nekkid semis and such! Get better soon!

  2. Ouch! Hope those exercises work fast.

  3. So sorry, I too am TMJ striken. I know exactly what you are going through, hope it goes away soon. The best thing for me was a chiropractor and a massage.

  4. Hey! Life stuff happens. Get through it, take care of yourself first and running will be waiting for you, ready when you are. (so will the blogs...)

  5. Glad you're back! OHH my friend had TMJ and always talked about the pain. I'm so sorry you have that :( It's a good thing your foot feels better though!

  6. Zoe, I have totally missed you! I have TMJ too. Total suckage! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  7. Girl I 100% understand and feel ya... sometimes life throws you a little more than you can handle and suddenly you're behind. Don't you worry, we're all right here waiting for you. xoxo

  8. BOO TMJ ... i hope you are feeling better soon :)

  9. Miss you!! So sorry buddy.. Not fun to be in PAIN!!..

  10. I am behind too. Dang life getting in the way!

    Hope your jaw feels better soon. :)

  11. Missed you Zoe! Glad to see your back!

  12. I've been thinking about you and hoping that things are okay. I hope the TMJ flare up settles down soon. GOod news on your foot!

  13. I've been thinking about you and hoping that things are okay. I hope the TMJ flare up settles down soon. GOod news on your foot!

  14. I've been thinking about you and hoping that things are okay. I hope the TMJ flare up settles down soon. Good news on your foot!

  15. Poor thing! I hope you get to feeling better soon!!! Hang in there!! We miss you in bloggy land!

  16. Focus on getting well! TMJ sounds horrible!

  17. Hope you feel better soon and the new job is going well :)

  18. Oh my goodness! OUCH!

    I'm so sorry! Take-care-a-you!

  19. Sorry about the TMJ....I have it too...and we know that there is no pain medication that can alleviate the pain...hang in there!

  20. Hey Zoe...I used to have terrible TMJ that culminated in my jaw locking shut! I ended up having a consult with a maxcilliofacial surgeon who said he could fix it.
    I had an outpatient procedure that was about 10 minutes long and have not had a minutes worth of pain or discomfort since...and it has been 17 years!! I was SO scared, but it was the best solution in the world...look into it, it may the solution for you too! Good luck!

  21. ooooo, really sorry to hear about the TMJ!! Sending you some good vibes so it goes away soon!

  22. oh honey, i'm sorry. Hope you feel better soon!

  23. Sorry to hear about the TMJ. I had a BAD case this past summer after having my first baby + job stress (new job now-phew!). The thing that helped the most was acupuncture. Not sure if you're into that, but I found it to be such a relief of tension. It lasted way longer than massage. The chiro helped too (my chiro/ND/acupunture are in one clinic in Bellevue, in case you're interested...).
    Hope you are doing better since your last post.

  24. Just checking in to see how you are feeling. :) I also posted about a swap today that might interest you.

  25. I've been so behind in blogging too, just finally catching up!! Take care!!!

  26. Hey, we've missed you. TMJ sucks. I only experience the pain in times of stress and tension... like, if my house was broken into... or... if I had a new job I was juggling.. you know, times like that! Hope things settle down soon so you can get back to normal!


Thanks for visiting! You're a rockstar!


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