Monday, April 19, 2010

A HUGE Confession

Ok, you all know that I've missed you all, right?  I've been a very bad runner blogger these past few weeks.  But, I'd like to say that I have a very good reason for the extended absence.  So, here I go...

I hate running.

HAHA. Just kidding!  Me?  Hate running? Of course not!  Almost had you for a moment there, huh?  Hee hee.  Anyway, I hate to say it, but I've been kind of lying to you all.  My foot has been fantastic and hasn't been giving me as much grief as I let on a while back.  In fact, it's not even a problem anymore.  But why have I lied?  Trust me, I didn't want to, and I hate keeping stuff from my friends/blogging buddies.  Truth is....I'm pregnant.  Nope, not joking about this one.  Little 'ol me is going to be a mum. :)

There. The secret's out.  *HUGE SIGH*

That's the reason my pace has been slow for me and that I haven't been logging as much time on the blog/treadmill.  Truthfully, I was freaked out and pretty stressed about everything (new job, the break-in, and now I'm growing a little human??? woah there!).

In all seriousness, Trav and I are really excited.  :)  The little goober is due 11/9, and you know it's going to be a runner.  Or some sort of athlete.  With asthma.  And probably bad feet.  Hee hee.

Yup, running with a baby here at the Mercer Half Marathon! 

Ok. I feel a zillion times better now.


  1. Congrats again Zoe! Totally had a feeling today that you were going to surprise us all with this news! Weird, huh?

    Oh, and I have a size small maternity running skirt that you are welcome to if you're interested. Shoot me an email if you want it!

  2. So SO SO happy for your Zoe! You are going to be an awesome, active, fun, inspiring mom! Can't wait for the updates! big virtual hugs to you!

  3. congratssssssssss!!!!! :) :) :) so exciting!

  4. Congrats! That is so awesome!!!!!

  5. Yay! Do you know how many times I wanted to put the word foot in quotation marks? Glad the secret is out! You are going to be an amazing mom!

  6. Congrats, your going to love being a Mom!

  7. Yay! Congratulations. That is so exciting!

  8. awwww!!!! congrats!!!! so happy for you

  9. congrats x a billion! so exciting!

  10. Omigosh Zoe! I'm so excited for you guys! YAAYYAYYYYY!
    I'm totally hunting down a onezie with Jim Carrey on it.

  11. Oh my goodness!!! How exciting! Congratulations!!!

  12. =] Congrats Zoe!!! This is so exciting!!! Now for a running prego blog spin! Can't wait to see how it all goes down!!!

  13. Congratulations! I only started reading you recently, but it'll be fun to follow along.

  14. Woot, Woot! Congrats Zoe. So exciting. Can't wait to see your prego are going to look so cute with your baby bump. Hope your feeling good.

  15. Congrats!! Thats awesome!! :)

  16. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

  17. yeahhhhhh!! I know I already said it on FB! but I love babies I think this is soooo great!!!

  18. YAY!!!

    Congrats!!! I'm so so so so happy for you!!! :)

    Thats great news and totally worth fibing about ;)

  19. Congratulations. You should go ahead and print off the kid's running chart from my site and have it ready for November :)

  20. Now you're in training for an entirely different type of marathon, but a marathon nonetheless. Congratulations!

  21. AWWW so precious!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

  22. Awww..... yay!!!! You are going to be such a cute pregnant lady. Congrats!

  23. Wait your pregnant?? LOL!!

    Oh how I have MISSED you on the run...but bet your cute little booty I will be whipping you into shape once the little goober is born. And Bloggy Baby shower, I am hosting...Pretty please??

    Hugs and congrats you are going to be an Amazing Mom!!!

  24. Congratulations! How awesome. What a lucky little baby.

  25. omg how exciting! I was just wondering how you were injury wise b/c you'd been absent in the bloggy world. this is a WAY better reason than being hurt. ;) And I love that you've already determined bebe will be asthmatic w/bad feet. :p

  26. Zoe, I enjoyed reading your blog very cool!!!


  27. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! So happy for ya'll! How exciting is that! :) :) :) My friend who's a runner ran a 5k with me in January and she was pregnant then and didn't know it. :) so excited for ya'll!!

  28. Awe, congratulations! You are gonna be a runnin' mama! Awesome!

  29. YAY!!!! I have 4 kids and ran and then walked as the doctors allowed!! I hope you feel as good as I did...running was a great way to get back in shape post pregnancy and those little ones LOVE the baby jogging strollers...Congrats!!!!!

  30. Congratulations Zoe! having a baby is such a blessing and for sure your child will run with you soon... :)

  31. Yay, Congrats Zoe! That is so exciting! I just know you'll have a little runner on your hands! So exciting!! :)

  32. Congratulations. So when you ask what sex the baby is, you don't care, Cuz its a Runner, not a boy or girl. Nice running skirt. I have missed your funny posts here. You are not going to retire from here are you? You better not.

  33. I can't wait to see baby's running cute! Congrats to you! The first always holds a special memory...just enjoy the entire journey!

  34. Congrats Zoe that's wonderful news! So thrilled for you!

  35. Wow...congrats Zoe! 2nd running blogger this week to announce they are pregnant! Sooo excited for you! I have been wondering where you were...and now I know...I hope you blog about everything.
    Also, are you going to continue to run/train while pregnant?

  36. Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations!!!

  37. Congrats!!! I wish I was a runner when I was pregnant. I think I would have felt sooo much better thru the pregnancy if I would've got out there and jogged or walked on a regular basis or had that to look forward to AFTER the arrival! Enjoy the experience... it is absolutely amazing!

  38. Congraulations!!! That is such great news :)

  39. Congrats Zoe! That is great news!

    You know what? In all seriousness, I put in 1500 miles last year and I hate running. For reals!

  40. Congrats on the awesome news! Take care of yourself & that little one!

  41. Yay! Congrats! That is so doubt it will be a runner!

  42. Normally I lurk but Congratulations, we are trying for a little one, can I rub your belly for luck??? (Just kidding, I promise)

  43. OMG! I am sooooo happy for you! This is awesome!

  44. Congrats! That is so exciting!

  45. YAY zoe! that is soooo exciting. I can't wait to see your journey and you are going to be an awesome mom <3 Congrats x 100!

  46. ZOE!! ZOE! ZOE! I am so happy for you. What a woman--running a half maraton while growin' a baby. You never cease to amaze me. How wonderful. You will be an excellent mother. And not to get all Dr. Phil on ya, but, I know for me, because I had such a great mom that I cannot wait to pass that along to my children, as I'm sure you do. Congratulations!!

  47. over from Tall Mom on the Run - congratulations! I can't believe you ran a 1/2 with a baby! That is amazing. Seriously. I did nothing with either of my pregnancies (hence why the running now LOL). Good luck!! I will be praying that morning sickness does not hit you so that you can continue running.

  48. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! wonderful and exciting news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Congrats! I'm just new to your blog . . .I read your post about your mom, very touching. Sorry for your loss. What a fun journey ahead - being a mother is a wonderful thing!

  50. Yay, yay, yay!!! A great big CONRGATS to you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. Congratulations. I got to your blog from Tall Mom's link. I just "came out" on my blog about my pregnancy too...and ran two half marathon's last week! How exciting and congrats again.

  52. Congratulations! Saw two runners at Boston yesterday with babies on board!

  53. Congratulations you are gonna be the cutest running mommy ever, I can already see you rockin a maternity running skirt. and I second Tall Mom's bloggy baby shower idea. I love babies, so exciting!!! :)

  54. OMG congratulations Zoe!! That's amazing happy for you!

  55. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to you and Hubs... how exciting! Check out Amanda's blog if you get a chance (Adventures in our Funny Farm). If you don't already know her, she's on my blogroll, an avid runner, and VERY, VERY preggers these days. Due mid May, I believe? Around 35 weeks? She's been posting belly pics w/ updates. Looks amazing.! So happy for you, Zoe!

    HUGS and more HUGS (for little one) from Orlando!
    robin/turtle runner

  56. That is super duper cool!

  57. YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What wonderful news :)

  58. Oh my! Congratulations!!! I've wondered where you have been & this explains it all! So awesome! Babies are such blessings!

  59. Congratulations!

    I'm a preggo runner, too -- due 10/6. I didn't run through my first pregnancy but I am loving it this time. I hope you're able to run as much and as often as you'd like!

  60. congrats! running while preggo? thats hardcore!

  61. Zoe, How Exciting!!!!! very happy for you, look forward to reading about your new journey!

  62. Congratulations! I found you through Mel. Best of luck; and I'm looking forward to reading more.

    Winks & Smiles,

  63. congrats zoe!!! :) a mini-runner on the way!

  64. I had a feeling! CONGRATS CHICA!!!!

    SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED for you!!!!!!

    YAY YAY YAY!!!

    I feel like all the blog world over is getting preggers! Yay!

  65. Congrats! I look forward to following your running while prego journey.

  66. Zoe, being a mom and runner is the coolest thing ever. The kids of runners are different from other kids. They don't get that, "I'm so embarrassed attitude." My two older kids are both teenagers and think I am totally cool because I am so fit. That is a great feeling. Congratulations and good luck. BTW, you need to change your Who Am I section to add "Mom-to-Be" and for fun you could add "to the future Paula Radcliffe."

  67. Zoe I'm so late in reading this, I just read this today!!! Congrats on the bebe, that's awesome! I'm the mom of two kiddos, now aged 10 and 7 (almost 8). Running gets kind of weird for a bit, but it all evens out in the end. YAY, you!!!!


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