Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sun Chlorella Review & Giveaway

Fact: I don't eat a lot of vegetables.  Greens in particular.  Bad example running mama!  Oops.  The thing is, vegetables just don't appeal to me, especially when I was prego last year.  The thought of even being near a salad made me gag.  Weird, I know.  Growing up I ate a lot of my vegetables, simply because I wouldn't be excused from the dinner table if I didn't.  So, I'm hoping to change my ways a little and get some of that veggie goodness in my diet.  Well guess what?  Sun Chlorella is helping me get in my greens, ninja style.

What in the world is Sun Chlorella, you ask?  In a nutshell, it is Nature's Perfect Superfood.
"...it contains the widest range of essential nutrients available in any single food source, including potassium, all of the B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and iron, 18 vital amino acids, beta carotene and lutein.  In fact, to get the same amount of nutrients at the grocery store that are found in Sun Chlorella, you would have to spend more than $200 and carry home more than 20 pounds of food."
Woah.  That is a pretty good definition of a superfood.

The best part of "eating" my veggies minus the veggie is that I can take Sun Chlorella by tablet form or in granule form.  In all honesty, I'd much rather down a tablet than drink something that is green (it's one of those weird perceptive things, like when Heinz tried out purple ketchup...um, no thanks).  Travis and I have been taking the tablets, and he's noticed a little more energy in the morning.  I, on the other hand, tend to our 6 month old daughter at night, so I'm always without energy. ;)  But I'm sure it is helping me somewhat!

Both of us were a little apprehensive about drinking water with the diluted granules: it is a deep green color and doesn't smell appetizing (remember, I'm a green veggie-o-phobe), but blended in a fruit smoothie was a much easier way to sneak in the granules.  A note: if you like wheatgrass juice, then this is very similar to that in taste.

Overall, I'm totally digging the tablets!  Bring 'em on!  I like sneaking veggies into my diet.  To each his/her own, right?  With all of the amazing health benefits and vitamins included in Sun Chlorella, it's hard not to like it.

WIN IT!  --->  2 lucky peeps will win a gift pack containing 20 packets of granules and "A" tablets courtesy of Sun Chlorella.

Here's the scoop on how to win:
(Please leave separate comments for each entry)

  • Please be a follower of RZR via Google Friend Connect (or any other way), then go to Sun Chlorella's website HERE and tell me something about the product.  Leave ONE comment.
Additional entries:
  • "Like" Sun Chlorella on Facebook & let them know Run, Zoë, Run! sent you 
  • Follow Sun Chlorella on Twitter (@sunchlorellausa)
  • "Like" Run, Zoë, Run! on Facebook
  • Follow RZR on Twitter (@RunZoeRun)
  • Tweet this
    • "Be Green with ENVY! I'm gonna win Nature's Best Superfood via @sunchlorellausa w/ @RunZoeRun! http://bit.ly/m3aZPQ"
    • or just Click 
  • Follow Runner Swag via GFC
  • Link to this giveaway on your blog, Twitter (include @RunZoeRun), or Facebook.  Let me know in a comment (1 entry each)
Giveaway will end at midnight Monday 5/23, with the winners picked via Random.org or Miss Goober if she feels so inclined.  Winners announced on Tuesday 5/24.  M80/Sun Chlorella will send the prize to each winner. :)

**Note:  All reviews are based on my own personal experience with the specific products I was provided with.  I received these products free of charge from M80/Sun Chlorella USA and was not compensated for my review in any way. Giveaway items provided by Sun Chlorella.**


  1. "Chlorella is a strain of green algae that grows in fresh water. This Superfood emerged over 540 million years ago, and was the first form of plant life with a well-defined nucleus."

    I'm such a geek, I thought that was cool... now, if only we could have gotten the word mitochondria into the conversation... THEN I would be a real geek, huh?

  2. And I already Like you on FB... and have for a while.

  3. please tell me I'm not the only one who read this and thought it said cholera, as in the disease. lol
    Sounds like a cool product though.


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