Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This kind of sucks

I'm losing followers. :(

I can't run.

I can't focus.

I can't seem to write anything of value.

I hope this changes soon.


  1. im still here.

    cant focus? it because goober is on its way?

  2. Hang in there, life is about to get freaking awesome! You'll get everything you are missing, back. AND you'll have an amazing child on top of it!

  3. Or, it's the hormones.. either way, it'll end soon enough...

  4. losing followers - no way!! I'm not going anywhere.

  5. Ha! Well at least you have followers ;)

  6. AWWW! {hugs} for you! Your true followers will ride this out with you! Chin up!

  7. i'm losing followers too.. but thats okay. id rather have a few loyal good friends than a ton of people that just comment!

  8. Well, wait until you start talking about milky boobs and running and baby stuff and strollers and all that jazz! your followers will be multiply!!!


  9. I feel your pain, but I agree with Nicole, I'd rather have loyal friends who follow and support than have the numbers. Don't you worry. You'll have so much to talk about when the baby comes. :)

  10. I'm with you sister. It does suck. We will get through it.

  11. I ain't going nowhere. I don't care if you blog about running or not, I enjoy reading what you write about.

  12. I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere. You are awesome Zoe and will be running again in no time.

  13. people who stop following your blog dont know what they're gonna miss!! ;) It'll get better soon! I'm still following you!

  14. i love your blog!! andi can't wait to see pix of your cute little baby andi can't wait to see you back running! hang in there!

  15. every time I lose a follower, I just think "whatever, I'm too cool for you anyway."

    All the awesome people are going to stick around. And you are allowed to lose focus. You'll have so much to focus on in a few weeks that your brain needs a rest now!

  16. I've been through this. When you can't run, there isn't much to say. But things will get better. And you still have followers.

  17. Hang in there - we will always be here :)

  18. Awh, sweetie, you're growin' a baby! It's OK. You rock. You'll get back to running and feeling like "you" soon--even so, you're going to be a MOM--what an exciting new adventure and new "you". I'll still be reading!

  19. Please, just focus on the baby. I will not unfollow you, promise!

  20. You're making a baby - that's more valuable than anything you could write. Can't wait for Goober's arrival - hang in there. =)

  21. We still love you and we're still here! Forget the people that stopped following!


  22. Goober will be here soon, and you will be back to your blogging self-but even better with Goober stories. :) You still have followers, and will have even more soon enough I'm sure! Post a new belly picture-you won't have time for many more! (which is good news of course)

  23. Cheer up buttercup! Everyone that is important is still following and soon you're going to have an amazing baby girl to blog all about :)

  24. Soon enough you will have a little baby in your arms and be too busy to worry about blogging or your followers or running. But after you settle in you will start running again.

  25. It's okay! You still have loads of followers who still let you know that we are here.

  26. It's ok Zoe. Just take care of yourself and try to appreciate the free time you have now and not having to focus on anything :) Pretty soon, you will have one very important, all-consuming focus!

  27. It will all change in November. Believe me. Oh will it change. (Spoken from experience of a father of 3).

  28. who cares...your blog is for you! I am hear and can't wait for baby to arrive! Hang in there...running will always be there. Enjoy the end of your can't get that back.

  29. I'm still here! I keep checking to see if you had Goober'll have plenty to write about then!! : )

  30. Haha... that makes two of us. I'm going through a slump period with my running and lack of motivation to do anything. But I know this phase will pass for both of us. Especially for you, you're carrying the greatest miracle in life! So, don't worry about all the small things. You will be a mother soon. Nothing else even come close to that. Not even running.

  31. Getting back into blogging soon, but still here too :)

  32. I'm always willing to read new post from you...

    Keep posting..

    --kizzy oakley

  33. Followers, smollowers! No worries, just take care of you and that baby!

    Winks & Smiles,

  34. Here is another reader! Don't surrender. Hi from Italy

  35. brain. busy. growing. a. BABY.

    Seriously, don't you think you're setting the bar just a tad high?

    I still think you're great. Drop by my blog today, there's a little marathon humor up... it'll at least make you smile, even if you're not doing a ton of running these days. *see above note about brain, baby, etc.

    Another thing, I don't know if you've read it - but you really need to read GirlFriend's Guide to Pregnancy if you haven't already. It will make you laugh until your water breaks.

  36. Darlin you seem to forget that you are pals with me :) Once we start running together again you will be getting so much link love that you will ask me to stop writing about you.. HEHEHE!! Hugs chick..before you know it I will have your training plan created and we will be stride by stride..

    Hang in there, you are sooo sooo close. I cant wait to see you open this new chapter of your life. You will be such an amazing and caring Mom. And you will realize that is what comes before all other things, well besides Trav.. :)

  37. i'm not going anywhere. i love your blog. I don't care what you're writing about... babies, running, due dates... whatever. you're a good writer (and you're going to be an AMAZING mom!

    i can't wait to hear about your next journey once your little goober arrives.

  38. well that leaves more room for new followers! lol!


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