Monday, October 18, 2010

Guess when Goober will be here!

Be sure to make a guess in Goober's birthday pool!  Everyone is saying November...and even though her due date is November 9th, man, I want her to be here sooner. Gah!  Tomorrow marks 37 weeks and I'm so uncomfortable.  But, it'll be worth it.  Right?  Right.

Just going up and down my stairs is tough.  I should count it as a workout. ;)

I'm behind on blogging and reading blogs because I have Goober on the brain.  So much to think about and so little time left.


  1. I am going to guess nov 3, because that's my daugthers b'day and she was a bit early (so i was due roughly the same time as you)

  2. Climbing stairs while hauling baby definitely counts as a workout to me!

  3. I guessed Nov. 16th - please don't hate me! I'm so excited for you though, Abby turns a year this week & omg you have so much ahead of you - so exciting!!! :)

  4. I would like to guess November 8th. That will be my 24th wedding anniversary!

  5. Opps. I didn't change Goober's gender so I changed my guess. Sorry about thinking you'll go over.

  6. My daughter was due november 11th-and born october 20th, 37 weeks exactly. There is hope! Sorry you are uncomfortable, but you are almost done and goober will be so worth it! (and you look adorable-I know you don't feel like it, but you do:)

  7. You don't look big enough to be so far along - it must be all of the running you are doing. I bet you are in better shape now than I am not pregnant!

  8. nov 6! my birthday is april 6th and i'm partial to that number!

  9. I remember thinking my son was going to be born a 5 year old...glad he wasn't, that would have been weird. But sheesh, it felt like forEVER!!! Hang in there!!! I'm heading over to make my guess now!

  10. Oh man, I put that we were "Racey Legs" but now I remember it was "Racey Hose"! ha ha ha!!! Oh well!!

  11. It's Nov 2nd, and I'm wondering: are you still hauling Goober around or has the Big Day already arrived?

    Sending you BIG *hugs* from Orlando!!


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