Wednesday, July 7, 2010

To Race or Not to Race?

Well, RUN, not exactly race.

There's a really really cheap 5K here in my good 'ol city ($10!) on Saturday, and I wanted to run it last year.  This year, not so much going to place like I'd hope, but it's still a chance to race.  Yes, I love bib numbers!  Problem is, I'm still having weird ligament issues.  I tried jogging really slowly on my treadmill after about a 6 minute walking warm-up...not too bad actually.  You know what part of the culprit is?  Flip-flops. When I don't wear them, I don't feel as much pain.  GAH!  And it's summer!

Hmmm...maybe I'll go and cheer on Mel and Jill instead.

In other news, I just wanted to thank Katye for including me in her "Runs in the Family" series the other day!  It was so sweet!  Thank you!! :)

Also, I'll be heading over to the East Coast in exactly one week and I'm STOKED!!! :)  YEAH!!

And a pic of last night's sunset at a Redondo Beach restaurant....gorgeous.


  1. I had some bad foot problems last year and didn't realize until much later that it was because I was wearing flip flops a lot, too much. I also had some issues this year, recently, with my feet and part of the problem was my sandals, which were very old and worn out. I know how tough that can be because it's so tempting to just throw on your flip flops, but at what price?

    As for the 5K, I'd say to walk/run it. And if you have the chance to chick/fetus somebody at the end, it'll make it better.

  2. Hmmm....I would "race" meaning maybe walk more than run. You get the bib number and put another race with you and Goober under your belt! :)

  3. It's cheap. Just sign up for it and walk/run it. Use the chance to collect another bib number and spend the time "connecting" with your Goober. Who knows? Like L.B. said, you might be able to chick/fetus someone at the end? And that's always fun!

  4. Have you tried Orthaheel flip flops?

  5. I don't know if I could pass up a $10 race! Whatever you decide, have fun!

  6. It might be fun to cheer them on! See the race from the "other side"?

  7. I'm about at the point where I'm ready to ditch all flip flops as well.

    have fun this weekend, whatever you decide!

  8. I have a pair of Fitflops, and they don't hurt my feet as much since they have arch support. Do I think they tone my legs? ha, no. But they are comfortable and have a lot more support.
    I would go for the race, just take it easy.

  9. can you wait and see how it is saturday morning? maybe you'll have to just run in flip flops :)

  10. that sunset pic is gorgy! <3

    i say do it, you can run walk the race... and for 10$ if you DNF, who cares! :)

  11. what part of the east coast???

  12. I meant to ask about Rodando Beach...that is a beautiful sunset! Where is that?

    Now, maybe you should splurge on some better flip flops? I love my $2 nes from Old Navy but they don't do much for my feet, arches, hip, pain....what were the ones that Kerrie was giving away a while back? Maybe that would help?

    Have fun cheering on Mel and Jill!!!

  13. Could it be Ms. Goober? If I recal from my Biology classes (first degree was in Bio) there's something strange that starts happening to loosen up ligaments and stuff in preparation for delivery. But, in my advanced age, I'm not sure that I'm rememebring quite right. It must be something about getting that C in embryology....

  14. So I've awarded you today, only because I love your blog so much :]

  15. Hey Zoe,

    I'm not sure what exactly your ligament issues are, but I bought a pair of Vibram FiveFingers about 6 months, and I use them in place of flip flops.

    They're easy to slide on (after the first week of getting used to them). They breathe pretty well, although not quite as good as flip flops.

    I don't wear them to run, but if you're looking for a summer flip flop replacement, you might want to give them a try.


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