Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Running with the 'flies

The Butter and the Dragon, of course.  These flies are nicer and don't go the kamakaze in-my-eye route.

So, my runs on Sunday and yesterday both were accompanied by some really pretty 'flies.  I swear the same large Blue dragonfly was pacing me on my 3 miler, and then he got distracted by this stunning black & white butterfly and ditched me.  Come on, dude.  Bro's before ho's right?  But in all honesty, it was neat running with a dragonfly for a good 1/2 mile.  I thought for sure he'd get tired of my slow/steady pace and just leave me, but he was a good little bug.  If only I had snapped a pic of him...

Then yesterday I saw a red dragonfly and thought it was Blue's hottie older sister.  Turns out she was, and had no interest in running with her little bro's prego human pal.  Geez.  Older sisters. ;)

Tomorrow I leave for the gorgeous East Coast and I seriously CAN'T contain my excitement!!!  I have a race on Saturday that is the exact same race I first ran back when I was 11 with my Uncle Doug.  This time though, I'm going to be slower and Uncle Doug is going to actually race it.  Woo hoo!  Go Coach Fish!!
Happy to be at my "second home" in MA last November. 

Coach Fish and I walking on our family's favorite Island (in November, hence the sweats)


  1. sounds like a very exciting weekend!!!! have fun at the race!

  2. sweet!!! what race are you running on saturday???

  3. Have a blast! Can't wait to hear about your race!

  4. Looks beautiful! Good luck on your race and ENJOY :)

  5. Have a GREAT trip Zoe.. Relax and reconnect. Have a fun race.

  6. Have a good trip and good luck on your race. :) I look forward to reading about it.

  7. Have a great trip and an awesome race!!!

  8. Isn't it like hot and humid back there? Have fun!

  9. Sounds like some nice company on the run! Dragon & butterflies are about the only ones I like.

    Have a great trip out east!

  10. have a wonderful trip over here to the east coast and good luck at the race!

    you have a liiiittle too much time on your hands to think up these 'fly stories. but hey, maybe mtv will turn it into a reality show?

  11. I love runs like that where you can really enjoy nature! Sounds like fun! Have a nice trip!

  12. have fun on the east coast! hopefully the weather will cooperate for you!

  13. I love "nice" bugs....the 'flies you are talking about make that list :) Have fun on the East Coast!

  14. so jealous!! all my family is in NH and i want to go out there so bad! Have a great time and hope the heat isn't too terrible like it has been for them this last week :-)


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