Friday, July 2, 2010

Still Recovering...

My Compression Cat has been working overtime.  I tried going for a run on Wednesday and felt pretty good for the first two miles...then the lovely "round ligament" pain hit me full force and I had to walk the mile back home.  Crappity crap crap.  So, I'm taking it super easy and seeing if some rest will help.

Speaking of know how I got the RunLove Swift Sox at the Seattle RnR expo?  Can I just say that they are incredible?  I mean, they seriously made my legs feel like it was just "any other day" instead of having just run 13.1 miles.
Weird angle. My calves look ginormous! 

It was a little struggle to get these babies up my tired legs, but once they were on, ahhhhhhhh--a little calf hug. :)  Plus, I love the hot pink color and heart logo (but the heart was stretched to the extreme and almost looked like a rectangle after my half marathon). 


  1. I'm loving those compression socks!

    Have a great weekend and Happy 4th!

  2. those compression socks are so cute!!!

  3. Those are adorable! I want them. I am running the RNR Phoenix in january, and I just realized that I should save some money for impulse buying at the expo. How exciting :)

  4. I love mine too! They sent me the pink and black ones and I've gotten so many compliments!


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