Monday, June 18, 2012

2 Weeks and Counting

Still no running. :( 

I’ve been doing light upper body weights and some hip abductor strength exercises to help keep my knees supported, but there hasn’t been a run in my book since the Rainier to Ruston Relay.  And with the Seattle Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon less than a week away, I’m a bit worried. 

Should I run?

Should I just walk it?

Should I DNS?

My LovesOf course I want to participate because there are a ton of people I know from the blogging/running world that are coming to town for this fun race.  And goodness knows that if I don’t end up racing, that I’ll most likely be losing my voice cheering for my fellow runners. 

The dilemma!  In the meantime I’m still icing, compressing and resting the hell outta my knee.  ERGH.

Oh, and Happy Father’s Day to all those amazing Daddies out there!  You know who you are!  Including Travis…thank you for being a fabulous father to our beautiful Goober. ;)


  1. Shoot, that's no fun! So sorry you still dealing with knee stuff...not good. Ugh...this is a hard call. Would walking that far make it worse? Would running it pro long the pain? Either way I'm excited to spend some time with you! Hope you can get back to running soon!

  2. I love that picture! I'm sorry that you are still out of commission!! Walking a half would completely I agree with Jill that it might make it worse. I hope this week things improve!!

  3. Ugh. I'm on week 4 (or 5?) of not running. I'm going to a sports medicine doc this week so that he can tell me the rules of how to gauge when running is okay. It stinks to possibly miss your race though! I'll be there cheering people on at the Nuun HQs. I'll either cheer for you or with you!!!

  4. Can you go visit a physical therapist? I wasn't able to run for over 2 weeks and the PT taped my knee so that I could run and not be in pain and then gave me lots of exercises to do to strengthen so that I don't have to always use the tape

  5. Ssaaadddd. So sorry Zoe. What is the pain like? Is it still ever present? Don't do anything to aggravate it more! It's not worth it! You need to be 100% for Hood to Coast!! :-)

  6. I would probably take it easy. It stinks being sidelined I know. You could just play it by ear and have a plan B if needed for RNR. Definitely don't want you to miss out on HTC!!

  7. What is up right now?? My foot has been hurting ever since my 11 miler yesterday! Another girl who is coming to run this race hurt her toe...bah! Hope your RICE gets you to race day!

  8. I'm so sorry to read about your knee, although I'm in the same boat too. It's the hardest thing to do but rest as much as you can. In your heart you'll know what the right call is for Saturday. Good luck - looking forward to meeting you at the Blogger Meetup!

  9. GAW...can totally empathize with your knee never know, maybe you have a weird cyst in there too? Hopefully not though. Hope it gets better and you can enjoy next weekend!

  10. :( I hope you are feeling better fast!!

  11. Be sure to do a lot of core strengthening too. A lot of times knee instability can be caused by a week core. Backwards walking was also a big one my PT has me do.

  12. Even though you aren't running. You have been working hard and it is one important thing of the equation. I know that you will do it great in the race. Me and my friends are counting on that.


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