Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Great Day to be Thankful

So pretty!
I love Thanksgiving.  It's my favorite holiday because I get to spend it with my family.  Sure, the food is good too, but that's not the reason I looked forward to this day so much as a kid.  Since there are 6 kids (all of us are grown up, obviously) in my family, it was nice to get everyone together as much as possible...and we even started a tradition of going bowling on Thanksgiving.  Ah yes.  We are the bowling nerds with custom balls and shoes--despite most of us only using these shoes and balls once a year.

This morning I got to run with Karla and Kerrie on the Soos Creek Trail, before any sign of rain or bad weather emerged.  In fact, there was a beautiful sunrise!  Thankfully it wasn't as cold as the other day, but my butt still managed to be in a Popsicle state after the run.  Kerrie made some Snickerdoodle muffins as a post-run treat, and MAN they were scrumptious.  Not that I needed to eat a treat that early in the day when I plan on partaking in a bunch more "treats" later.

Kerrie's awesome snickerdoodle muffin
Another cool thing from this morning: a bunch of fellow runners out and about!  It was GREAT!  Hurray for running!

Anyway, I'm off to get the little Goober ready for Turkey Day with her crazy Aunts, Uncles and Grampa Gene...should be fun!!

Oh, and I think the trailhead of Soos Creek sometimes can look creepy.  Just sayin'...


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