Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oh Hi!

Um, yeah.  Marathon the day after tomorrow.  Busy busy busy!  Here's a quick recap.

Post-run pic, of course
Saturday - Last long run with Mel on Orting Trail.
Rainy rainy rainy.  It was cold and soggy, but we chatted the entire 10 miles.  I even made Mel run the hilly course option on the return 5 miles.  Heh!  It was really pretty out though.  And there was a car show going on in the town, despite the rain, so it was neat seeing some classic (and gorgeous!) cars.  Mel was awesome and treated me to chocolate milk and a croissant afterwards.  Yum.  It was delish!  Very thankful that Mel has been training with me for over a year!!  **Note:  I got some interesting remarks about my sunglasses on Mel's recap...and I want to say that unfortunately no, it wasn't wishful thinking...I'm just a bug magnet and I need eye windshields.  Hee hee!  I always wear the sunglasses or glasses, even though I may tend to forget to put them on my face and end up wearing them on my head. ;)

Sunday - Trav's first father's day with Goober!
Trav & Goob
We went to the Mariner's game with Trav's family, and the M's won.  Woot!  Goober has already been to a game, so she's a seasoned pro now.  She absolutely loved looking around and seeing everything.  She actually slept in Trav's arms for a good half hour too!  It was fun hanging out with Trav's fam, even though I missed my Dad and siblings that morning.  Oh well.  Next year!

Monday - Ran with Kerrie & our munchkins.
Quite the experience!  Goober was not happy at all and so I had to stop and feed her some pears for a bit at the 2 mile mark.  Still wasn't happy after eating, so Kerrie and I found ourselves pretty much sprinting with the jogging strollers.  Oh boy.  Goober is a Speed Demon Coach I say!  I actually had to take her out and carry her for a 1/4 mile because she just wouldn't stop the big-tear crying. :(  But once she was carried, all was good.  Silly girl.  Ooooo!  And Goober started swim lessons...and she LOVES it!  Yay!

Grumpy Goob, happy T Jr.

OH GOODNESS.  The rest of the week has been Goober swim lessons, working on the blogger meetup surprise and trying to get my head together for Saturday.  

I'm bib #16020.  Track my progress!  :)

Later dudes.


  1. so proud of you ~ go have FUN this Saturday...

    You've got this! AND don't forget ...

    "Need MORE COWBELL".

    Love from Virginia!

  2. Have a great race this weekend!!
    Such cute pics of the kids!

  3. Have so much fun with the blogger meet up and the marathon! You are going to do awesome!!!! Poor Goober! Cute pics though. :)

    Hey, I would really appreciate it if you could help me spread the word... I have a huge fundraising giveaway going on right now with over $650 worth of prizes
    Thanks so much!

  4. EEEK!!!!!!!!!! So exciting and excited for you! I will be sending you lots of speedy vibes! Good luck girl!!!!!!!!

  5. Blogger surprise...can't wait! Excited to meet you in person tonight and stuff our faces with spaghetti :)

  6. Is this your first post-baby marathon?? Can't wait to read the recap! (I started "training" for NYC today, and would love any words of wisdom about training with a baby!)

  7. Have a fantasic run and good luck in your first marathon! Hope to run into you out there.

  8. Good luck!! Soak it all in and enjoy every step!!!

  9. Yeah Zoe! We're going to rock this thing!!!

    See you tonight :)

  10. Yay for Goober swimming!! That's so exciting for her :)

  11. I think rain is much better than tropical heat for a run.

    I love your outfit by the way.


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