Friday, June 10, 2011

Firsts & Improvising

Our Amanda pose
I've been busy lately, and so blogging has taken a backseat to the rest of my life's happenings.  Last Sunday's run with Kerrie was, um, interesting.  I realized that since I ran out of my daily vitamin, my energy levels have seriously lacked.  Who knew?  Plus, the humidity was killer (and so was the decision to run 7 hilly miles after eating pizza).  At least it was great seeing Kerrie!! :)

A couple of firsts around here:

  • On a run the other day pushing Goober in the jogger I had someone yell out "MILF!" from a passing vehicle.  It was pretty funny and made me laugh (kind of flattering too?).  Glad they didn't wake up the Goob though.  Better than an obnoxious HONK. ;)
  • I pulled/strained a muscle in my back....taking off my tight sports bra after a run.  WTH?  When did I become an old woman?  It took my breath away and hurt like a mo fo, so much so that Travis stayed home with me the next day because picking up Goober was not an easy task. :(  It's a little better, but feels tweaky at times.  Looks like I need to step up the weight training!
  • Planning my first high school reunion (or helping plan it).  It's really been 10 years already?  It's a stressful task.
  • Getting sued.  Nothing we did wrong though. :(
  • Considering moving the fam to my Dad's house temporarily.  Oh boy.
That sums up some of the events in the household.  

As for improvising, since I don't own a "Stick" or foam roller, I decided to try out my own tool: the rolling pin.  Rolled out my calves after a couple runs, and it feels so good!
Roll, roll, roll your calves...


  1. I have a Nike tank that is super tight and I always think I'm going to tear my shoulder off one day taking it off... That's crazy you pulled a muscle!

  2. I hope things start getting better for you! I like the rolling pin idea! Ingenious.

  3. Oh no! Running bra injury! That stinks. There has GOT to be a better way to get out of those things... it is so gross too when they are sweaty.

  4. LOL. be careful when changing clothes... it's dangerous! rolling pins hurt! i've used one before, way more painful than a foam roller (in a good way of course).

    hope all the bad stuff blows thru quickly.


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