Thursday, December 30, 2010

What About Gus?

My lovable Garmin, Gus, was very jealous of my treadmill getting all the action the other day, so I decided to show him some love by going for a little run outside last night.  Ooo!  It was cold!  My awesome new Brooks long sleeve top kept me warm though.

I surprised myself by making it up the two giant hills without needing to walk, or gag, or puke.  In fact, I probably could have gone longer than 1.5 miles, but of course, I don't want to push that envelope.  The one peculiar thing that happened on this short run was a gas leak up the street from my house.  It smelled awful and it was BAD.  I'm sure if someone decided to light up a cig the neighborhood would've exploded.  Well, maybe not, but it sure did smell that way.  There were three energy vans working on the problem.  I decided to avoid that street on my way back, you know, just to be on the safe side.  I'll leave the giant explosions to the movies and The Lonely Island dudes.


  1. Yay welcome back! And you look awesome, btw. :)

  2. You look great, Zoe! Let's go running!

  3. Congrats on getting back out there :) I found your blog through Long Legs on the Loose and am looking forward to hearing about your new-mommy adventures. I'm hoping to be "running with a bump" this fall and could use some advice :)

  4. Juanito needs to go for a run too... he is prolly mad at me! Love that pic of you!

  5. Holy Wow you look AMAZING!! Love that shirt on you.. HUGS!

  6. um how to you possibly look that amazing? goodbye baby belly! can't wait to keep reading about how it comes along.


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