Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh no! Another Little Piggy Lost Its Helmet...

Man down!  Man down!  Little Piggy casualty number two.

I currently don't have a toenail on my second toe on my left foot because of the New Balances that hated me and gave me a lovely black nail (and this was a WHILE ago).  Well, because of causes still unknown (but possibly related to the neuromas in my feet), my middle left toe is now helmet-less.  And for no reason.  I think it's competing with the second toe.  This isn't the first time that this nail has decided to just fall off without warning; this happened about 4 years ago too.  Weird, huh?  I'll spare you the pics, because my feet are straight up gross, and my nekkid toes look funny.

I wonder where the term "little piggies" came from anyway?  Is it because kids' feet look like sausages?  The meaning would not be the same if they were called "little hippos" or "little warthogs."  Hmmm.  Something to ponder...


  1. I like little hippos. We should go with that. Poor Zoe's feet. :(

  2. Oh no!

    One thing I know for sure... I will not be wearing open toed shoes in public this summer! :/

  3. poor little piggy. i've never gotten a black toenail before, but i did have one fall off while i was in the grocery store once! LOL

  4. baahahahaha

    um i'm losing a little piggy too. poor zoe piggy! lol i'm still laughing at the hippo thing! too funny!!

    sorry about your toe.. i feel your pain!

  5. p.s. if u just paint ur toes with black or dark blue.. even red nail polish the black piggy looks normal and no one will ever know!

  6. poor little pigs :( I call my kids rosey toesies because I always thought piggies was odd too, not the rosey toesies is any better when I think of it!

  7. Hahaha! I like little hippoes too! Poor feet, I hope they grow back quickly for ya.

  8. Ewww.

    PS. Toes are called piggies because of the nursery rhyme.

  9. Lol, little piggies. I suppose that little piggie went to the market and never came back.

  10. poor piggie!!!

    Blame it on the baby. That will be the first of many things you can blame on a little one even if it doesn't make sense. :)

  11. It's so embarrassing too. It's sandal weather here. I went had a pedicure and had to explain to the girl why my big toes don't have the full nail. The side of my nail bed seem to have died. Thanks running.

  12. I could never figure out why people called their feet "dogs." Doesn't make any sense to me. They dont look like dogs..

    so if your feet are called dogs, wouldn't toes be called puppies?

  13. ygh!!! No bueno!!!! Poor little tootsies!

  14. Another badge of honor...


  15. Ouch! I've never had one, but I can only imagine that it hurts! Love the graphic though.

    Feel better :)

  16. Nothing cuter than babies toes! I have yet to lose a toe nail! Huh! Happy momma-to-be day!! :D

  17. How are your little piggies now????? still competing??


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